Memorial Day in other first

  • May 30, 2018, 3:10 p.m.
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Lastly we had decided to head back on Memorial day. It turned out to be a horrible idea. Even though the car did well the whole trip up and the running all over God’s green creation while we were there it decided it had enough just south of Indianapolis. In an area called Southport.

We lost power and Rocky managed to get across 4 lanes of busy traffic and get us off the road. It started back up after a little while. David thought it was vapor lock. Something to do with heat and the gas and if we drive 55 the rest of the way home we should be fine. We got it back on and to a gas station where we hung out for about a half hour before getting back out on the road. It wasn’t long though before we hit a pothole and BAM no power again. This time though after looking over the engine Rocky said we need a tow. He wanted to tow it to the local auto parts store to change out the gas filter. So we did that.

I Ubered my Mom, David, and Joshua to a Dairy Queen close to an O’riely’s where I got the car towed. Rocky worked on it but it wasn’t the filter. Thinking it to be the gas pump but not having a jack.... also having 3/4 a tank of gas in the car we decided to call it a day and get rooms at a hotel. We Ubered over there and got rooms.... .....

More detail here.... When I Ubered them from the interstate to DQ David told Rocky that neither me nor mom should be without a guy. When I Ubered us to the Hotel we left him with Rocky lol. As if we aren’t safe if we don’t have a penis with us?..... smh fine.... mom likes him.... I no longer do… at all.... really. I don’t hate him.... but I don’t like him.

We ordered Hungry Howie’s for dinner and went to bed as quick as we could. Next morning we called (starting at 7) a few garages #1 “$200 for a fuel pump replacement and I MIGHT be able to get STARTED on it today”. #2 “$320 but I’ll put everything on hold till you get here so I can get you back on your way being from out of town and all” #3 $800 lmao (Firestone) We decided to go with #2 who suggested a tow truck we called immediately. We packed our things up… woke up mom to give her our keys. “This is home base till 11. Please check us all out go to the lobby and text me. I will then get you an Uber to a place of your choice and that will become home base. We (Rocky and I) are going to get a ride to the car and wait on a tow to a garage who can get us in right away!” All good. We go down to the can and even though the tow said “be there in an hour” It was alomst 2 hours before he got there. Rocky and I wandered the area (not out of sight of the car) got cash out of an ATM (money talks) and a couple drinks from a gas station.

Once we got to the garage the guy was nothing but nice. It took him all of 10 mins (obviously no the pump) to find a wire that was unplugged. He charged us $80 for the labor. When compared to the 300 we were willing to spend I was very happy and I know he avoided working on the next thing so he could get us in so I’m glad to pay the labor he lost (which I expect was the case) We had bought the pump for $70 and were able to return it!

We were on our way before check out time at the hotel :) All in all it wasn’t horrible as breakdowns tend to be. Just an unexpected nights stay in Southport and my first experiences with UBER. Very happy with the service BTW.

Each time I ordered up an Uber it was like less than 5 mins before a car got there ..... aside from the first one because the map showed us on the road above us. The driver had to go a few blocks up the interstate to get on it. I’m so very thankful he did because that was not what he was getting paid for by Uber. I tipped him 20. The guy who took Mom, Joshua and I to the hotel room asked if I would need a ride back (because I left the guys there then helped me figure out how to order another trip) and waited while I bought rooms then drove me back. On top of that when we got back to Rocky and David he had no problems ordering another trip back to the hotel while I rummaged through stuff to find clean cloths and get chargers and stuff while Rocky went in to talk to the guys at the parts store letting them know the car would be there overnight. I tipped him 15. Talking to driver 2 he said “It’s a good day if someone tips” so I hope I made it for him. Finally the guy in the morning was quiet but we talked about money making apps. He brought up Field Agent so I told him about Easy Shift and Mturk for when he needs to stay home. I tipped him 2.

Before we got home Rocky expressed an interest in starting a tow truck business. .... all he would need is a truck right?..... sure. I looked it up last night and we could find one fore about 30,000 that would work but he would want better ones at like 50,000 and would most likely need a CDL for the bigger ones. I expect that idea will die out. .... or hope it will being as he never follows through. I decided to check out Uber again ..... before I bought the car I thought the year requirement for vehicles was 1995 or newer for Uber Eats.... it’s 98.... Rocky’s car is a 99.... mine.... I thought was a 2001 but.....

I was clicking stuff to find info on the requirements and I ended up in a loop I couldn’t cancel and when I opened another browser and logged in it was still there :( so I went through with it. Photo of DL, Photo of Insurance (OH! it’s a 2004), Photo of registration, fill out form for background check. .... now I wait for approval. I would prefer Uber Eats because people can suck bad we will see..... They are set up right in Murfreesboro so it’s not that far.

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