View from the backseat in These titles mean nothing.
- June 29, 2018, 10:53 a.m.
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/379. 999,622 to go. Wonder when I started this self-delusion anyway. Or why. I don’t write very often. It’s been forever. And now I’m here. Somewhat committed to putting fingers to keyboard. I am what I am. Still. Always. Or as long as I am anyway.
/380. Friday morning, second to last day of June, almost to that hinge-y part of the year where it balances, first half, second half. Cloudy, supposed to be hot, extremely hot. The house is enjoying some residual coolness, but that won’t last the whole day.
/381. I have only mildest plans. A trip to town either today or tomorrow for groceries and a library visit so I can print my writers group ‘short story’. I did it in an hour yesterday because I was thing of going to a library class on Bullet Journaling in the evening and thought I could kill the grocery and printing birds with the same stone. But when time came go, I just stayed home. I don’t really want a new system of journaling - I looked it up on line. It involves writing in a notebook, page numbering, BULLETS!, and carets too. I regret slightly not going. I sometimes think it would be good to support the library’s activities.
/382. Writers meet Sunday morning at 11 at Gus & Tony’s, I messaged the woman in charge to see if was still on before I started my story. Last meeting she had us draw photos of people from an envelope and write character sketches about them. The short story is supposed to include the characters. It went more smoothly than I thought it would. It’s not long or good but it’s kind of unique. If you want to read it I can post it here. I emailed it to a retired newspaper guy - why did I do that? - and he said he would critique it.
/383. Saturday has possibilities. In Marquette at a new visitor center-ish place partway up the bluff where the old bridge made its departure will be a three part lecture, demonstration on our local Native Americans. It featured Emma Big Bear who lived in Marquette until the 1950s - supporting herself selling beadwork and baskets that she made. The talks are between 11 and 2 and I would like to go. It’s also parade day and other things are going on. I don’t know if Jim will be available to go or not. At the same time in the afternoon a local man Peter Grady will be putting on his Ulysses S. Grant impersonation/presentation. Jim and I are big Grant fans so that’s an attractive things to do too. Of course I’m more likely to stay home and play solitaire on the computer.
/384. While I wasn’t writing here I put in a few links to things I thought interesting. First three are links to places in NW England. They are quite close together and somewhat off the beaten track.
The first is from a 1500 ft mountain of shale that shakes and makes new little hills - thus Mother Mountain or Mam Tor.
The second is to a town not far away that sold its Bible to buy a bear. That is not totally accurate but you have to read the story to find out.
The third is a link to a company in the Congleton that makes braiding machines that we used at my most recent old job. The braid is used to protect wiring harnesses in vehicles. If you look under a car hood you will find braided harnesses. Some also have plastic conduit instead of braid.
/385. I separated this link because = well because - it’s different. It’s to US Senator Elizabeth Warren’s blog, an entry about her visit to McAllen TX to the places the newly captured - and not so newly captured - women and children are being kept. It’s clearly written with a lot of info. You need to read it.
/386 Now something totally frivolous. I spent time last night on line looking at pictures of Karen Pence, wife of US Vice President Mike Pence. Mrs. Pence has gotten some press about the rather odd and semi=ill fitting dress she wore when the King and Queen of Jordan came calling. Mrs. Pence has a number of shortcomings. She does not look like Melania. She is rather short. She is somewhat overweight. She has a large bust that she doesn’t use to her advantage. On the other hand she likes cats and dogs. She was an art teacher and she is using art therapy as her project. AND. BTW. She was married before. To a medical student when she was very young. She and the Veep have three children, a blonde girl, a dark haired girl and a son who is in the militiIary.
I’m not including a link to Mrs. Pence. You will have to look her up yourself.
/387. Jim bought himself a new Italian tedder. Its job is too fluff up hay after it has been cut to speed drying. Kind of like a million fast moving brushes. We do not have hay drying weather anymore so we use European technology. Who knew? Who guessed? All the forage storing in plastic bags comes from across the water too. Enorossi is the tedder maker and it comes from Perugia. The manual is a hoot. Here is a link to a bunch of Italian tedder pics.
/388. I guess maybe this is enough for today. Maybe I can write more again sometime in the semi-immediate future. Blessings on you all. Be good. Have fun.
Just think - only 555,613 items left. Give or take.
I’m going to make a sincere effort to test these links to see if they work. Wish me luck.
Last updated June 29, 2018
NorthernSeeker ⋅ June 29, 2018
Interesting about the new system of journaling...I can't imagine enough people in our town wanting to learn a system of journaling to justify a setting. You must have a lot more writers in Iowa. I like the draw a picture/write a story idea from your writer's group.
woman in the moon NorthernSeeker ⋅ June 29, 2018
Maybe I wasn't clear - surprise. She had photos of people taken from magazines and we drew - there's the misunderstanding!! - like drawing cards - from the envelope. The pics we chose were then characters in our stories.
NorthernSeeker woman in the moon ⋅ June 29, 2018
That is a very cool idea.
NorthernSeeker ⋅ June 29, 2018
I just read the Elizabeth Warren is really well-written and the details are sobering. Everything a person doesn't want to know about the detainees.
NorthernSeeker ⋅ June 29, 2018
Is Marquette where the historical bookstore is?
woman in the moon NorthernSeeker ⋅ June 29, 2018
McGregor has the bookstore - it's a mile south still on the river. McGregor is the bigger town with the antique shops, with Pike's Peak above and the place were we ate and told the lady how to make nachos - or something. She was very accommodating.
Marquette has the railroad yards and a caboose rr museum. And the bridge to Prairie du Chien. And the casino boat which we skipped. Effigy Mounts is just north of Marquette.
Deleted user ⋅ June 29, 2018
Very interesting ! Please write again soon ! I am thinking this weekend I am going to garden, eat good food, read and watch movies :-) Maybe clean a little if I can make myself :-) Have fun !
Bullet journaling is a big thing on Pinterest .
Marg ⋅ June 29, 2018
I'd love to read your story if you post it in here!
Just Annie ⋅ June 29, 2018
I missed the brouhaha about Karen Pence's dress, but I'm no fashion maven myself. Comfort is queen with me. Appropriate comfort, if that's such a thing.
My daughter, Kara, and a nephew, Josh, are big on bullet journaling. It works for them. She's a chemical engineer. He's in IT.
woman in the moon Just Annie ⋅ June 29, 2018
I wish I had gone - especially since today I could not get a working computer and still didn't get my printing done. I always praise the library for having working equipment but today was an exception.