Stressed Out (November 9, 2012) in Old OD Entries

  • Feb. 5, 2014, 11:41 p.m.
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In high school I was never worried about my grades because I always knew that I did well. Now that I am in college, I am not so confident. I am not doing bad, I am making good grades its just in two of my classes I am doing mediocre. The point is I DON'T DO MEDIOCRE!

I am so scared that I will make a C in two of my classes. My GPA will just go down and I will just feel terrible about myself. I will beat myself up about it for days and I will probably not eat and stay in my room and wallow in my own self-pity, while other people just sit there and tell me I am over-reacting. I understand that to most people crying and getting depressed over a GPA might seem absurd, but to me it's not.

I am just so wound up over my final exams they are coming up and I am hoping that I do well. I have to sign up for my spring semester classes next week and I am still deciding on what to take. Plus the classes that I want to take have professors that are getting semi-terrible reviews.

I am starting to have mild insomnia...I just can't seem to sleep at night...I know it is because of the stress...I checked myself and I am also losing weight...all of this is starting to scare me a little. I need to find a way to calm down.

I am going home in 10 days and I am really looking forward to it. I have not been home in a while and I really miss my mother. I am also getting really tired of the food here. I want some home cooked meals.

I am kinda rambling now. Well I better get to sleep I have class tomorrow.

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