Music Snobs (November 6, 2012) in Old OD Entries

  • Feb. 5, 2014, 5:54 p.m.
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I am getting really tired of people and their dumb comments. Let me explain. I love music...I love music because of what it is not because of what it is labeled as I don't care if it is pop, metal, punk, indie, or jazz if I like the song I like it. But most people for some reason have to listen to music that is only "underground". I don't know why people have to be such idiots...does it really matter that you know a band that is out of the public eye? Just because a band is not in the "mainstream" does not mean that it is don't get me wrong most of the "artists" that are in the public eye are crap, but come on people do you really have to be so ignorant.

I swear!... take Ed Sheeran for example...great songwriter and a great musician...not many people knew about him bu the people who did loved him and he had gotten an album out into the mainstream and ever since people have been saying that he is "crap" or "overrated" or a "sell-out". JUST STOP WITH THE MADNESS! Just because an artist gets into the "mainstream" does not mean that they are a sell-out. Ed Sheeran is the same as he has always been. He writes the same type of music with the same great voice and attitude. It is not that big of a deal that he is in the "charts"! So because he is liked by many people his music is suddenly shit? No I do not think so! I just think that people who listen to music that is unknown just because it is unknown are just idiots! It is about substance people not about how many people know about them.

I just don't understand. Oh and another thing! Green Day with their new albums out have been getting a lot of negative comments from their "fans". I really am getting pissed off about this! Okay so Green Day have been becoming more commercial lately and all I have to say about this is...So What! Everyone is just calling everyone who is getting recognized a "sell-out". Now what exactly is a sell-out, to my knowledge a sell-out is someone who changes their music style to get more money. There are three things that I have to say about this.

  1. Ed Sheeran is the same! He has not changed nor will he ever. Green Day have changed a little I will say that, but what do you expect?! Everyone is complaining: "Oh I miss old green day" "New Green Day sucks!".....REALLY?!....Okay "old" Green Day were in their early and late twenties when they made that great music...they are in their forties now with wives and children! Things change! And in my opinion they still make great music.

  2. People I think are just pissed because of the new kind of fan base that these types of people and bands are attracting. I believe that people pride themselves on being different, music taste being one of the things that can make a person unique. Now that these artists are attracting these teenage screaming girls they are getting annoyed. Just because other kinds of people like this music it does not mean that you should start hating the artist! What is the point of that! Who cares if this 13 year old screaming girl likes Ed Sheeran or Green Day! That does not mean that you are like these screaming girls, you are just as unique as you were you just happen to like an artist that they like too. Get over it!

  3. Money. People say that they like bands because they are not commercial and they do it because they love music not for the money...bullshit! What is so bad about making money doing something that you love to do? Oh and if those bands you were listening to had the chance to make money playing their music they would! It is not selling out! Making money does not make the artist's love for music diminish! They get to share their great music with a broader audience...if anything you should be happy that they are getting in the "mainstream" because they are replacing the actual no-talent sell outs like Nicki Minaj and Lil Wayne and all those other people who call themselves "artists".

I really wish that people would stop being so arrogant. Just shut the fuck up and listen to the music. Nothing else should matter...The only thing that should matter is what that artist means to you and your love of their talent. STOP BEING A MUSIC SNOB!

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