My Split Personality (October 28, 2012) in Old OD Entries

  • Feb. 6, 2014, 8:49 a.m.
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Okay I am really not the type to go to clubs... I am just not. Sure I will go to a house party where it is just friends and we all sit around and eat and chat and stuff, but never clubs.

So last night I was doing my study guide for my philosophy class when my friends piled into my room and were getting ready for the Halloween night at the club. My friends told me that I should go out with them, but I told them I had too much work to do and I really did. They closed my laptop shut and told me that I was going and that I needed to have some fun once and a while. I eventually came around and decided to go I thought what was the harm in one night?...

So since it was a costume party I had to dress up and I didn't have a costume so my friends dressed me... and oh my gosh did I look slutty. I had on a skin tight short black skirt, a button up white collared shirt (only two of the buttons were buttoned so my navel and black bra was showing), a tie, black platform high heels, some white thigh high stockings, my hair was in two long braids with pink bows at the ends, and some make-up. I looked at myself in the mirror and I said to myself that this is just crazy I can't go out looking like this! My friends just gawked at me and told me I was just nervous and that I looked sexy. Of course I was nervous! I wear t shirts and jeans and sneakers all the time! This just isn't normal! I felt self-conscious in my skin but with A LOT of encouragement I decided to go with them in my schoolgirl outfit. I thought what the hell, it was Halloween so I figured I could get away with it and there were WAY sluttier girls at the club anyway.

So this was my first club. A girl at the entrance checked our ID's to make sure we were at least 18. You walk in and there was a room with a bar with girls dressed as bunnies serving drinks, and a lot of tables and a flat screen TV with the sports channel on but we went in to the other room and it was a big dance floor with dimmed, colored, flashing lights, the music was really loud, people grinding on each other, two dance cages, and bathrooms in the back, and another bar.

We ordered some drinks. It was not the first time I had had a drink so it didn't really bother me. I was surprised that they served alcohol to 18 year olds but I didn't care. All my friends wanted to dance and this is when it got awkward. I cannot all. It came naturally to them, they were all having fun on the dance floor I kinda just stood there and swayed awkwardly. Then some guys came over and wanted to dance with us...god I was so nervous. My friends saw that I was uncomfortable so they said bye to the guys and we went to the bar. We sat there for a while drinking and laughing. And this is where it gets fuzzy. I drank much more than I intended (more than I ever have), but when I was finished all I wanted to do was dance! My friends and I got back on the dance floor and I danced like I never have. I was completely loosened up, I could feel it. I moved on the floor and got in the cage and danced and my friends were shocked at me, but they cheered me on. I got out and they were dancing with some guys and one saw me and asked me to dance. I said yes and he got behind me while I grinded on him and he had his hands on me. By this point I kinda forgot what happened but mostly I remember dancing some more with my friends, getting hit on, going to the bathroom, and getting more drinks.

One of my friends did not drink so she could drive us home. We decided to leave around 3 a.m. and we went to McDonalds to eat, gosh I remember a lot of laughing and yelling I am surprised that we didn't get kicked out. I remember when we got back to campus that I was really giggly. I was not sobered up at all. My sober friend got all of us back to our rooms. I recall that I kicked off my shoes and fell asleep. When I woke up this morning I was dizzy, my eyes hurt, and I was really really thirsty, my mouth was so dry. I took a shower and now I am working on the homework that I should have done last night.

So that was a really weird night...for me at least. All in all I had fun, even though I am a little disappointed in myself for the way I acted in public. I probably need to watch my alcohol intake if I decide to ever go again. It is so weird because when I am sober I am an introvert, but when I am drunk I am flirty and outgoing. It is so interesting how a few drinks can make a person completely different.

And to think I was originally going to go to a concert and see a show in Nashville. I couldn't because my mom did not have the gas to come all the way down here and get me...sad day. But I guess this experience made up for it.

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