Relationships? (October 26, 2012) in Old OD Entries

  • Feb. 5, 2014, 10:46 p.m.
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I was watching one of my favorite youtubers today (Mr. Repzion) as I was watching one of his videos he was talking about relationships in general and his video got me thinking about my current relationship status.

I have had one serious boyfriend and our relationship lasted two years and I had another boyfriend that lasted only six months. I have been single for about two years now and I am fine with that its just that sometimes I think it would be nice to be in a relationship again with someone I really connect with.

There are some problems with this. I just feel like I am never going to meet someone to like me for me. I would like to have a relationship that is not predominantly based on physical appearance. Don't get me wrong I do understand that people have to have a certain physical attraction to the person that they are with, but I feel that the people around me, at least the ones that I hear talking are just plain shallow.

All I hear all the time is how hot or sexy that guy or girl is. Think about it have you ever heard someone say anything about a person's personality before they talk about their physical appearance? I just feel like no one is interested in the person underneath.

Another thing is the interests. I am not saying that my boyfriend should have the exact same interests as mine, not at all. I am simply saying that we should share some things in common. I have not ever met anyone who shared my interests that I could see myself with. I like comic books, I like sci-fi, I love to read (actual books not magazines),I like to play video games as well as go camping and hiking, and I love punk and indie music. Is it so hard to find someone to have something in common with me? I just don't understand why it has to be so difficult. And I am not going to change my interests just to be in a relationship because those things make me who I am. Gosh and the types of guys that hit on me put it bluntly... assholes who are just looking to get laid.

Also, most of the guys I meet are just moronic. I am a nerd I have been called this since jr. high and this is VERY true. I need someone that I can carry on a conversation with, but all I get are vapid responses because they have no idea what I am talking about.

I really don't mean to sound whiny but it feels like I will never meet someone sometimes. I don't think I am the only one who feels this way... I have hopes for my future dating life but until then I will stay my happy single self after all I am 18 so I have plenty of time to search for the right person for me.

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