What I was supposed to do... in 2018ish

  • May 7, 2018, 5 a.m.
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I was supposed to drive to work today, even though Im really not all that comfortable with the stick shift. Well, cue me looking for keys. They werent where the should have been. B and I rode into work together yesterday because it just made sense, but I ended up not leaving until 1130pm and he was off at 6. I thought I was off at 7, but I apparently looked at the wrong schedule. So he took the truck back and I got a ride home with his lady.

Annnnyway. Cue this morning. Looking for keys that arent there. I shot him a text and he said that they were where I had already looked. No dice. He told me to go look in his work pants. No dice. I went through every single damn pair of work pants I could find. Those fuckers have a lot of pockets.

I thought in his usual habit, he grabbed them and took them to his other job. So I grabbed uber here. No worries, shit happens. Turns out, they were in his hoodie that he had worn the night before. Of course I didnt think to look there, because he said pants. Ah well. Kind of leery about driving to work in the morning with morning traffic, but I need to get used to it. I may take it out around the complex tonight. I dunno.

Im not looking forward to this week when it comes to work. Bleh.


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