Meh. in 2018ish

  • May 6, 2018, 4:25 p.m.
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Oh 2018, how you have tried to fuck me in the ass with no lube…not cool!

Currently sitting at one job, waiting for the night to be over so I can come back and do it again tomorrow. Then split doubles between both jobs next week. I will be a cranky Sparkle. The paycheck that I cant touch will be nice tho.

Need a day off. I dont know when I’ll have one next. But will make the best of it. Will be going to Alcatraz soon(hopefully) with Lowkey. Maybe hit Alioto’s too. Been dying to go eat there lately.

Just a day to not worry about shit else besides what I want to go do.

I do feel better than I have tho. Leaving an abusive person is so freeing.


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