Adventure time!! in 2018ish

  • May 5, 2018, 12:13 p.m.
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I got up at ohgodwhy o’clock this morning to go to the DMV and get a PO box. 1 out of 2 isnt bad. Made it to the DMV 15 minutes before open, and there was already a line around the building. The last time I went on a Friday, it was empty. Whatever. I spent about 2 and a half hours there, and finally dealt with my license. I dont know why they gave it back, Im just going to hurt myself.

B is selling me his 98 toyota tacoma for a grand and it letting me do payments. Awesome! Said truck is a standard. I know the mechanics of dealing with a stick, the finesse is not there. At all. Well I need to get used to it, and fast. I took it out around the massive apartment complex B and Vicky live in a few times and went out onto the streets. I only killed the damn thing a billion fucking times, but I didnt die. Drove around town a while then hit the freeway for easy driving and ended up in the East Bay, just over an hour away from where I am. At 1am. Texted a couple friends to see if they were awake. Hung out for a few in a random parking lot that was the same drive time to either friend to see if they were in fact awake. Nope. So I drove back.. I was the crackhead driving there in the middle of the night.

Again, I didnt die. I did however manage to kill the truck in the middle of an intersection. Luckily, no one was around. Getting into the garage almost did me in, but managed.

Its a process.


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