There was a time... in 2018ish

  • May 3, 2018, 2:05 a.m.
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There was a time, dear one, that I though the world was full of rainbows a sunshine, happiness and light. That everything would work out just fine. That happiness was just a thought away.
But let me tell you, dear one, I was so horribly wrong.

The world is harsh and cruel. It will rip you to shreds. You will have hard days and harder ones still. You will work, or not, eat or not. Loved ones will leave you and friends you thought you loved will cease to be in your world. You will have good people do bad things to you, and bad people do worse.

But still, my dearest one, there will be a light. A light that shines in those that do love you, that want you around, that actually do care. Keep those little light filled people with you always. They will make your world a better place. The scary things wont seem so horrible, and the happy moments will be even better. You will laugh with them, cry with them and fight with them.

In the end, the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb.

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