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So the left boob said....... (edit) - 8/31/2005 in The "C" Word

  • Feb. 5, 2014, 1:57 p.m.
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Ok, so the left boob really didnt say anything and it would scare the shit outta me if it did!

YOu know, its pretty sad when I can go into a Doctors office and without hesitation open my shirt and let him play with my boobs.

I have had so many people I dont know, pinch and pull and tug at my boobs and I havent gotten anything out of it. You would at least think it would feel good.

As you probably guessed, I went to see the surgeon today. He played around a bit and told me he wanted to operate. He decided that along with the biopsy he was going to also just remove the mass that seems to be growing under my left boob. He is also going to give me an anticoagolant (sp?) because of the blood clots I had in the past. He doesnt want to take any chances. But he did say that I would probably have some bruising. I suppose its worth it. Ya think??

On Sept. 8th at 11:00 I go in for my pre-admission testing and on Sept. 13 @ 8:45 I go in for the surgery. Its going to be an out-patient proceedure so I will be home by the afternoon. I will be outta work for a half day for the PAT and two days from the surgery. Boss Lady will be REAL happy!

I text Mike immediately after finding out cause he wanted to know and John wanted me to call him and let him know as well. John asked if there was anything he could do but I told him I had it all under control. Mike offered to take the 13th off to take care of me for the day. I'm gonna need it.

So now I should call my kids and tell them what going on. I have already talked to them slightly about it but also told them not to worry. Im not really too worried.

So thats it for now. I'll keep you posted.


I called my girls last night to let them know whats going on and they both are fine with everything. I just gotta keep them posted throughout the day on the 13th.

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