Well damnation... in shiny things
- March 27, 2018, 8:02 p.m.
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Just saw the sad news. I’m on OD, same name - I’ve been double posting and was just thinking that is kind of a pain to post in both places because the photos are done so differently, so it’s possible I did this through my vast mental powers— ooops!! Sorry!!
It’s very sad, though, PB has been a great place, as lax as I’ve been about writing here.
I’m also on Facebook - if we’re not friends and you want to be, leave me a private message!
noko ⋅ March 28, 2018
Not sure if I am going back to OD, we'll see but I'll keep in touch. How can I not. :)
edna million noko ⋅ March 28, 2018
I don’t worry about us keeping in touch! I will miss reading your entries, though, if you don’t go back. I totally understand not wanting to.
Marg ⋅ March 28, 2018
So you're to blame huh??! There have been some folk offered to save the site so hopefully that'll happen but if not I'll see you over on OD!
edna million Marg ⋅ March 28, 2018
I hope someone will buy it- at least simple minds is leaving that option open. Never a dull moment!!
Marg edna million ⋅ March 29, 2018
I know - unbelievable we're going through this again!
Malduchi ⋅ May 04, 2018
so....has PB been saved now? I haven't been on in a while...
edna million Malduchi ⋅ May 04, 2018
Apparently it has been saved - there's a new guy who has taken over from Simple Mind. Fingers crossed!