Nothing new in In the Kingdom of Suzu
- March 4, 2018, 12:09 p.m.
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Things are still the same here. Haven’t updated cuz PB was down for those couple of days and then.....
She didn’t come to the gig altho she was thinking about it but Jeff told her it wouldn’t be a good idea.
We are still each seeing the counselor separately but within the next couple of weeks, I think we will be going together. Our counselor has told me not to give up just yet, he is trying Jeff to do a trial on an antidepressant as he feels this came about because Jeff has suffered from depression for a long time but never addressed it.
There are times when Jeff and I are interacting with each other that I can’t believe that this happened because it seems like old times—or past better times. I am just doing the best that I can.
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