Fortune in General
- March 28, 2018, 2:06 a.m.
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So apparently we are at endgame here at PB. I don’t have the will to start over again at a different site, and I will be damned if I ever go back to OD. That motherfucker Bruce owes me 200 bucks. I bought two lifetime memberships and he yanked the rug out from under us.
Maybe my journaling days are done. I’ll go back to scribbling notes in a notebook. I am about 2.7 seconds away from pulling the plug on Facebook as well. It adds nothing to my life.
I woke up this morning wondering why I always feel so damned good after flying. My conclusion is, when I am flying that is all I am doing. 100% of my attention is on accomplishing the tasks that are right in front of me. I don’t think about ex wives or girlfriends or my budget or how much gas I have in the car.
Just fly.
I went up Friday. It was bumpy as hell, but still I got in 4 landings. Plus turns around a point, boxes around a point. Still getting the basics refresher.
In a weird 4 year old way the landings are my favorite. Just me, the aircraft and the runway doing our best to be friends.
I’m up again Thursday. If all goes well, I’ll be done with the PPL by June. Then on the Commercial/Instrument and CFI. Luckily the GI bill will cover most of that.
I don’t worry about a lot of things. I guess there is a lot to be said for being single, unencumbered and semi-retired.
Well shipmates. This might be my last entry. Never can tell, but it seems appropriate to say goodbye just in case I get busy and forget to check in.
Remember: duty and loyalty - honesty and sincerity - compassion - honor - courage - respect - and integrity.
Everything else comes easy.
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