so. I have a cavity. *TW* in 2017. got it.

  • March 20, 2018, 9:29 p.m.
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actually I have 2. which means I went to the dentist today. yeah I’m not proud of it either. [the cavity part not. the other part.].

Um. the good news. if someone wants to see it. is.

1: it’s not worse. it sounds weird to put it that way. [like obviously it’s not great news. but it’s not terrible either.].

and 2: I’ve had fillings before.

No that’s not the part i’m worried about. I know they’ll drg me. it’s the after. I won’t take pills but um. I have ways of dealing w/ pain. also weird fact. but apparently. sliv is quite the painkll*r. i read recently.

also. I haven’t had a cavity in quite some time. oh and also [again.]. overall i’ve been doing better w/ the teeth thing. but not like daily. [well. obviously.]. and.......not great just better.

well dangit.

alrite i’m done thinking about this. for now.

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