Untitled Piece I Wrote 3/15/2011 in meh...
- March 16, 2018, 12:09 a.m.
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Note: This was written for a someone I was lying to myself about, trying to get Him out of my system with another.
White hot flames lick & stoke passions,
Combusting into a primal scream
That contorts only one word
That forms into your name
I stand on this mountain’s edge
‘cause I’m that high from
Which you’ve intoxicated my passive soul
Created in me love so fierce even my own
Eyes can barely behold it
My heart can’t contain the secret of
How you make me feel and
I just gotta scream a cathartic aria of
You, you, you
‘cause damn…
Bouncing off these walls don’t get
My point across and
I’m so far gone I no longer speak
An intelligible tongue, only
You, you, you
Cross my lips in and out of my being,
Around the corner and back again
Home is felt and the familiar never fades
And if I love you any more than I do at this
Moment I swear I’m going to
Explode into a thousand pieces with your
Name on them ALL
That’s where I am
That’s what you’ve done
And I ain’t mad about it
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