going to the chapel and we're. well i'm not. in 2017. got it.
- March 4, 2018, 10:06 p.m.
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i have been proposed to twice actually. once i was 17 and once it was a. kindof not real proposal. yeah. my ex nothing ever came of it though. [thank god. we’re all glad i’m not w/ him. it’s ok you can say it.].
anyway before i get started. so when i woke up well actually the last time i woke up. my jaw was stiff left side. i looked it up and well apparently i have/had bruxism now. which. means i grinded [shouldn’t ‘ground’ be the more correct term?] my teeth in my sleep. now i grind my teeth from time to time it’s a really bad habit. and then i’ll catch myself doing it and i’ll stop. but i don’t know.........if i’ve ever.......actually done it in my sleep........ and apparently. bruxism isn’t only limited to um. in one’s sleep.
so i’ve been having the usual neck pain/stiffness vertabrae pain. oh and this weird nerve pain by my left........shoulder which apparently is a form of neuropathy only not peripheral. i have peripheral. neuropathy. PN.
anyway. onto the chapel/marriage thing. well my uncle. is getting married or rather he’s engaged i guess they’re the same thing. Fine he’s getting married again this will be his second marriage the first was to my Aunt Lynne. They got married on my birthday when i was 4 so....... in........ ‘90 1990. god that was a long time ago. and then they divorced within the last 2 - 5 yrs. and so now. he’s getting married to his girlfriend. my dad’s brother that uncle. the teacher. The proposal was at the hippo pond in Kenya. [the, hippo pond? there’s just one? well maybe there is i don’t know]. he’s spent some time in Kenya. he’s a teacher. as i’ve mentioned before.
she’s. not my fave person. his fiancee. i don’t dislike her but she’s not my type. and that’s why i’m not marrying the woman. [also that would be weird.]. She’s a little too nice and she’s too cheerful and she’s the touchy. um type whereas unless i know the person i’m usually not. like i’m not just going to go up to a random person and touch them. and not even in a weird way. i just. ya know not everyone likes that. she apparently really likes me which is funny cause i’m not the biggest fan of her.
idinno. just. When my mom told me I went after a bit ‘oh. well he’s a nice guy’ my uncle. well he is.
i don’t want to go to the wedding. [that sounds horrible doesn’t it.]. no but. i’m always wearing a hat. and my hair i.........i won’t talk about it. but no one’s allowed to see it. also the reason I don’t like getting dressed up is cause then I feel too exposed. so i kindof hope they have a destination wedding. not that. it’s my decision or anything cause it’s not. really.......really.........not. That’s the real reason I don’t want my dad at my wedding were i to.ever get married which i’m not. is cause i feel really uncomfortable being that erm ‘exposed’. by dressing up. like i’m sorry that i don’t want my dad to see every curve of my body. and not even cause he’s done anything.........[well there goes that reason damnit] i just. no.
also. if i’m somewhere w/ the lady [oh sorry being my uncle’s fiancee] and it involves food then i. don’t want to go. the last time it was actually better [i think] she didn’t say much about how much i’m eating/not eating. another thing i wouldn’t do to someone. The last time I wrote about this was over a yr. ago maybe.
yeah Ty my uncle Ty. that’s the one who’s getting married the one who talks a lot.
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