this week in other first
- March 2, 2018, 11:12 a.m.
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The last couple of days feel kinda crazy. We bought a car so we don’t have to get the SUV to pass testing anymore. Its a 1998 Olds eighty eight. It’s super clean and runs well. Rocky will be driving it until we get his truck or I have to turn the lease in whichever comes first. I bought into the whole Color Street thing. I’m pretty excited but honestly just hope to make my money back and enough to stay a stylist so I can get my nails at cost .... or at least a lower cost.... or occasionally free?.... all depends on how well I do.
We took the new car to testing and it passed easy but while we were waiting is started beeping. Brake light came on. Had a look and the brake fluid was less than half :( . We filled it and the beeping stopped so that was good. Rocky will work on the SUV over time but he’s thinking we may need to get another vehicle and let the SUV go. Ultimate goal is 3 cars that run. I called the insurance and took off the SUV and added the car (before testing) and after testing we went to get tags and were unable to. Our collectively dumb selves.... we don’t have the title yet. We have a legal tag on it from the lot but he had not gotten the tag from auction and as soon as he does he’ll give us a call. This has me worried. :(.... cause I wasn’t already.
We had to get another key made for the new car($100 and 3 different key places because special) it’s got a chip in it. It’s got 129k miles and we got it for 1950 tax title and tags I think we did okay. I think it should be fine to drive to MI in MAY.....I hope.... We will be working on trust. I think we should drive it to Nashville this next week.... maybe hit McKay’s to see if we can find a D&D book or 2.
Krystal stopped by yesterday morning (after work) to complain about a boy.... and just hang… I showed her the nails and she’s breaking down thinks she might get some. I told her to wait and do the challenge thing with a free sample. Starter kit should be here today while I’m at work. i told her about how the D&D game was going and she was fired up about crashing it. lol She said he’s doing it all wrong lol AH I love it when I’m right. She sent me a link to read up on that should help but I haven’t gotten to it just yet.
Went to mom’s yesterday. I wasn’t going to go till after Rocky left but she got all worried about flooding on her road so she had me come at like 11 which turned out great cause I was exhausted by 3. I finished up some laundry and was asleep by 7! Unfortunately I do not feel “refreshed”this morning. I took one of the nail sets I had bought and she put those on and loves them! :) We didn’t plan a party date or anything because we had been talking about other things and playing games with Joshua. Who only decided “I don’t like this game, lets play something else” after he was winning and hit that horribly long slide that takes you almost all the way back to the beginning in Chutes & Ladders.
Mom told me in May we will have a graveside service and I was confused then happy. She will not be buried but Jessie was and my Aunt requested that that be where her ashes also lie. So Jessie and her mother will always be together. That makes me happy cause I always visit Jessie’s resting place when I visit in July. The Hall she wanted rented for her party was booked for the 26th so My Uncle got it for the 27th I hope the one day doesn’t effect anything negatively (like someone not being able to go where they would have if it had been only a day prior).
Glances at time.....ugh I gotta brush my hair still :(
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