Good People Don't Smoke Marijuana in Hello
- Feb. 28, 2018, 1:58 a.m.
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- Public
- Jeff Sessions R Alabama
“Been screaming eff Jeff since the late 90’s!”
- Jesse J. Angry IN Alabama
1:50 AM
Can’t sleep tonight. Ugh. I was tired but now…nope. Watching Legend of 420 on Netflix currently.
Might get back into my book in a few. Very busy day starting with an 8 AM wake up time. Ahhhh shit. Sleep damn you! Get freakin’ tired already! WooooOOoooOoOoooooooo hocus pocus and a little bo peep. Shut your eyes and go the fuck to sleep!
Tempestuous1 ⋅ March 03, 2018
Sessions wouldn't know a good person if one bit him in the ass.