book survey in book reviews

  • Feb. 2, 2014, 12:19 p.m.
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Catch 22 is the greatest book ever written. Don't you agree?

I completely disagree. In fact, I never got beyond the first 10-20 pages or so. (Can't quite remember, it was many years ago now) - although I copied this directly from the original poster, I couldn't have put it better myself.

What’s one book you'd love to see turned into a movie? Pretend there was an endless budget and time to make it, so doesn't matter the length of the book...just which one would you want to see acted out?

I've been lobbying my screenwriter family members, but they only write original, not adapted works. I LOVED Audrey Hepburn's Neck - family secrets, the old and new ways of doing things. GREAT story

What is your reading routine like? How much time would you say you spend reading in a given week? How does this compare to time you spend on other hobbies?

I read pretty much everyday - the joys of being retired from work! I find that my eyes get tired, some days more than others. So depending on that my reading can be anything from a novel, to a magazine to an e-book. I am re-reading the Gene Stratton Porter books... and just started the Oz series.

What's the first book you remember reading?

I know it wasn't Dick and Jane - yuck! I clearly remember "the Story of Helen Keller" and "Black Beauty"

What's the last book that really moved you? Not the "last" one, but "Chosen by a Horse".

What's the last book that so annoyed you that you bailed on it without finishing it?

Catch-22; Hundred Years of Solitude - not the last, but the memorable ones.

What book (that you might not have picked up on your own) are you glad was forced upon you in school? Any/all Dickens. Loved his writing, but won't read him unless I have to.

Do any books perpetually live in your purse, briefcase, backpack, car, desk, or other such easily-accessible place as emergency or back-up reading options?

Birdy - one of the few I've re-read.

Do you use something other than a bookmark to keep your place? If so, what?

I just tend to remember the page so I can go back to it. I am not one for bending corners of books or flattening them so the spine goes all cracked - original poster's words; I concur. I also use various things as bookmarks.

What do you think of the Twilight saga?

I enjoyed them a LOT! I actually forked over the money to buy the last one hardcover full price!!! LOL

Sometimes, when people watch movies, they find themselves gasping or exclaiming out loud, or talking to or shouting at the characters. Have you ever done that while reading a book?

Yes, I have! I like to celebrate the good times or sniffle along with the bad ones. Crying and laughing

Everyone always says the book is better than the movie. Have you ever found the opposite to be true?

Whale Rider; Girl Interrupted; Beautiful Mind; Dead Zone

If you wrote a book and had to use a pseudonym, what would you pick? For example, would you anagram your real name, or pay tribute to a favorite author or a relative? Or just pick something out of thin air?

I'd use my childhood nickname and something else... never thought of it.

Have you ever re-read a book you first disliked or hated, and found that you liked it much better the 2nd time? Or, vice versa? If so, why do you think you changed your mind?

I'm drawing a blank here! (same answer) - again from original poster... I agree. This is true about movies, though

Personally, I like to read the jacket/flyleaf of a book, to get some idea of what I'm getting into. Some people, though, hate to read that, lest they run into a spoiler. Which type are you?

I read such a variety that I can easily go into a library or a bookstore & walk out with loaded arms full of books that I may never have heard of – but chose from the book cover & synopsis. (same answer, it's what I do too) - again from original poster... I agree

Do you ever read the Acknowledgements?


If you could make sweet, sweet love to any fictional character you've read about, who would it be? And if you could date/marry/fuck a character, who would it be?

Either of the main male characters in the Twilight series... I know... so pasee

What's one book you would pass on to your future spawn (or niece)?-- doesn't have to be a kid's book.

Any of Gene Stratton Porter - written about 100 years ago, still wonderful

If you could live in a fictional universe that you've read about, which one would it be?

Pern - I love dragons

Have you ever flipped to the last page of a book and read the last page? Is so, do you remember which book it was, and why you were compelled to do it? If not, what is your opinion of people who do this (they are out there!)?


**In the midst of a really juicy gripping chapter, do you find your eyes skimming to the end of a paragraph or the end of the chapter to kind of seeing where things are going?

I do have a habit of skimming. I try not to though. - again from original poster... I agree

**Everyone has been so immersed in a book that they think: "Okay, just one more chapter, and then I'll stop." But they keep reading, and hours go by. Have you ever missed something really important because you were so engrossed in a book? If so, what was it? Also, if so, does this happen to you often?

My mother used to be SO upset with me - I'd come to dinner when I finished the chapter, then never notice the new chapter had begun

What are your favorite children's books?

The Little Princess and Secret Garden. Hale's books, Porter's books. Ah... Black Beauty!!!

What are your favorite young adult books?

nothing specific comes to mind

Who is the scariest literary villain and why? ....... Count Dracula - he's so smooth

Should any books be banned? If so which ones?


Should the government be able to track the books you buy or take out from the library?

It is terrifying that this is even on here. The government is already too involved in our private lives, as it is.

What is the most shocking or disturbing book you have ever read?

The Painted Bird - horrible experiences of a young boy on his own through WWII.

If you had to read one book for the rest of your days, what would you pick?

An impossible question to answer for me.

**If you could reverse the process & turn any movie into a book, what movie would you choose?

That is again too hard to answer blithely.

What philosopher's book makes you want to cry?

I have no answer for this.

What is the longest period of time you've continuously read for? And accounting for some sleep have you read for more than a day straight?**

The Outlander series - I read 6 books in three weeks - LONG books!

What’s the title of a book you thought was amazing but no one else seems to know it exists?**

Audrey Hepburn's Neck

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