Go shawty, it's your birthday in My Unpredictable Life ...

  • Jan. 31, 2014, 11:40 p.m.
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  • Public

It's February 1st somewhere so without further ado ...

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43 never felt (or looked) so good!

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And before all you nay-sayer's start in with the "Oh she photoshopped the hell out of that picture!" let me just give you a little before & after. The only photoshop used on the pictures was to brighten/adjust the coloring, then soften the brightness. Let's face it, bathrooms have the worst lighting!

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If you look close enough you can see the little crows feet in the outer corners of my eyes. So yes, I am old, but I'm going to look good while looking old LOL (thank you Mary Kay!)

Now, if you will excuse me, I am going to go read a few more chapters in a book, call it a night, sleep in as late as I want to, then enjoy my day doing nothing.

Till next time ...

The Thirsty Oriental January 31, 2014

You look a lot younger than 43!

OneSassyLadyNKY The Thirsty Oriental ⋅ February 01, 2014

Thank you ... I try lol

The Thirsty Oriental January 31, 2014

Happy birthday!!!

OneSassyLadyNKY The Thirsty Oriental ⋅ February 01, 2014

Thank you!!!

anyahs February 01, 2014

happy birthday, you beautiful woman! :)

OneSassyLadyNKY anyahs ⋅ February 01, 2014

Thank you fellow .:beautiful:. Woman! LOL

Chic Chat February 01, 2014

You look great!! Happy Birthday!

OneSassyLadyNKY Chic Chat ⋅ February 01, 2014

Thanks! I appreciate that!

Deleted user February 01, 2014

Happy Birthday you are beautiful btw!

I have stock straight brown hair...I mean it flips at the bottom but I bought a flat iron to take care of that.

OneSassyLadyNKY Deleted user ⋅ February 01, 2014

Thank you! You are too kind!

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