The Cabin *Edit* in The Daily (2014)

  • Feb. 1, 2014, 3 a.m.
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Well, onto cold day two. This really sucks. It took me about 3 times as long as it should have to finish my math assignment because I still have slow sick brain and my throat is so sore. Then, I managed to get it in on time, but it took 20 minutes to upload and it ended up being 15 minutes late so I don't even know if it will be marked. Sigh

Tomorrow I will have to get down to business (I can't type that without thinking about Mulan...) to work through the enormous pile of stuff I have to get done for next week. Blegh. I don't even want to think about it. It makes me want to curl up in a scared little ball.

I was just thinking about writing a bit about what Liz and I were currently thinking of for our wedding plans, since I couple people had commented on a post from a while ago when we were still thinking October and locally. As I mentioned in a post on OD, a family friend from up in Powell River has offered to let us have her wedding there for free. Which is super sweet. We went up to this property every year when I was growing up. So, as I was thinking about writing this, I remembered that a friend of mine had posted a bunch of photos on facebook from when we were 14 and she came up to the property (where we rented a cabin) with my family.

Came across this gem, which is hilarious: I'm in the blue swimsuit. This is the mot awkward photo I have ever seen.

haha, so many teenage hangups- in this entire album, there are no pictures of me smiling, because I had braces and I thought my smile was ugly. enter image description here look at that grimace! I had it down to an art!

Anyways, what I was looking for were pictures of the actual property, but there were only a couple, and they don't really do it justice. They were taken on a disposable camera and I think she just took photos of the photos. But, anyways, this is a view of the bay along which the cabins were built enter image description here And here is another beach that was a small hike away, still on the property enter image description here

Also there are sooo many starfish! When the tide goes out the beach is covered in them. enter image description here

Anyways, we won't know for sure if this is where we're getting hitched until June when we go up together. I want to make sure Liz loves it as much there as I do. This means that we will probably be having the wedding in the Summer of 2015, which seems like a crazy long time from now, but, hey, more time to plan, I guess. We are a bit concerned about making it work logistically since it is quite a distance from Vancouver and many of our friends don't drive. And we don't want it to be too much of a burden for them. But, Jacky is offering anyone who wants it camping space on her property and I think we might be able to make transportation work through the careful use of google docs to come up with carpooling groups. And a lot of people, particularly old friends who came up with us in the past, are pretty psyched about the idea. I personally love the thought of getting to spend a couple of days swimming and camping and hiking with friends and family and then, you know, getting freaking married. Also, I just love it up there. Some of my very best memories growing up were from up there. It's beautiful. I would love to make some more memories there.

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