yesterday phone out of service tmi sick mon. ferdinand evan. valerie 'waitress'. 'orient express' costuming music set. evan job my apt. mom movie pass responsibility thing. in 2017. got it.

Revised: 01/11/2018 4:45 p.m.

  • Jan. 11, 2018, 3:46 p.m.
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So yesterday. While I was by the store w/ the metal detectors waiting for the bus. well when i called the bus for the mystop thing my phone decided to stop working for 5 mins. yeah i called and the phone told me ‘service unavailable’. I moved same thing. I turned my phone off and then back on. same thing. waited. and........then my phone worked again.
oh so on Mon. I was, as I call it, ‘tmi sick’. I call it that bc talking about it would be TMI. i’m better now. the worst part of being sick like that is being lonely.
right so like i said. I saw ‘ferdinand’ recently. it’s about this bull who’s misunderstood and.well it reminded me of evan. bc he’s misunderstood. People don’t like him and it’s sad. they don’t know that he can be sweet and funny and devoted. they don’t see that side of him. i’m not comfortable enough w/ most people to be outwardly bothered. or if i’m upset sometimes.......people wouldn’t know. but he.he’ll just go off. i’m pretty sure we both have the same mental disorder. but I wonder. If I was like that would certain people have treated me the same way? i’m not sure i want to find out.
So on Mon. I was telling Valerie about ‘waitress’ and I told her it’d been a movie and then they’d turned it into a show. and then 2 mins. later she says pretty much the same thing I’d said. um. were you not listening? god keep up. and she’s ‘oh so it was a movie and then they turned it into a play’ [well actually a show.]. yeah. i know.
so, ‘orient express’. I liked the music and the costuming and the set. The music really uhm. made the movie.
so apparently. and i only found this out within the last like yr. or so maybe the last 2 yrs. back when evan was staying w/ me he either a had a job or 2 was looking for one. I knew when he wasn’t there he was doing some stuff but I never asked what stuff. i don’t pry usually. and one of the reasons I know he was ‘doing some stuff’ is cause that was a note he wrote. [yeah i have this rule. i told him if he’s going to leave that’s fine but leave a note. that’s something i practice as well i either tell someone or leave a note.].
oh right the movie pass thing. well so Mon. I emailed my mom and told her that um. i might go to the movies on Thurs. w/ the movie pass thing. so a few yrs. ago when I was at a movie my phone’s GPS thingy evidently didn’t work. which i didn’t think it would. er i mean. i didn’t think that would happen. [btw the gps thingy doesn’t make me feel safe it makes me feel paranoid! that’s not stalkeriffic at all.]. I don’t go to the movies that often by myself [mainly cause i don’t have the money for it.]. but that’s the reason I told my mom I might go. well turns out. the moviepass thingy is this app thing on a phone and.i don’t have one of those phones. and a person has to actually physically be in the theater in order for it to work. so. yeah.

Last updated January 11, 2018

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