What's behind my online name. Today's prompt in Soul Journey

  • Jan. 1, 2018, 7:07 p.m.
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She is the name of a character I devised in an unfinished novel. It is unfinished because I am too lazy to get back to it and that is the truth. It is for young readers and my Grandchildren are always at me to finish it. Maybe this is the year.

Years ago, when I was on Open Diary I was surfing around looking for something to write about. When I hit upon a phrase on a book site. The phrase went something like this. We all can do with a “Living Library” within our psychology.
It was those two words “Living Library” that sprung out and immediately in my minds eye, I saw a beautiful wild young girl of about 18 looking at a large book.
Behind her was an old Man and I began to type. I flowed and I was amazed. I would ask my character what would she so next and in it came.

It flowed for about 3 weeks and then life got in the way of my fantasy story. Of Leonalia nicked named Lion and her search for the mysterious force called The Radiance.
If you have the time to read it , here is the first draught of Chapter One.
I haven’t read this for years.
The Mage (working title)

Chap 1. The Protean City.

Leonalia looked up from her studies, leaned back and stretched her arms ceilingward. With a deep sigh, she thought of all the other things she could be doing, but was not. Olonsio, was sure to be out of sight somewhere, snuffling around, wiping his nose and making those strange grunting noises in the back of his throat, that she had come to despise, and then suddenly appearing, always making her jump.

Her sisters would be out in the Garden of Grace, probably sitting and flirting with any young wanderer, who dared to look upon their beauty. Each one of them holding a miniature of the Future Sphere, tantalizing the next young fellow, with tales of Starcourses and Night Realms.

No it was back to the books for her. The Books. As old fashioned as they were, she had to admit that she could not get enough of them. It didn’t seem to matter that she was tired and had been on her search for the knowledge of the Mage, for some 3 years now. For every time she opened up a page or even perused an index, the ink was as if wet and written just for her. She could swear sometimes, that she heard her name called out of the books. Of course, it had to be her imagination, but the strangest thing was, that it was her nickname she heard. Lion. But then that could be Olonsio, for he never addressed her by her royal birth name.

But it wasn’t the only thing. Lately, she kept seeing things out of the corner of her eye. A slight movement, a shadow, sometimes a flash of light. And once she could have sworn one of The Books had a blue mist hovering over the cover, but when she looked again it had disappeared, and the room stared back at her, quiet and somber. She only experienced these things in the Living Library, and nowhere else in The Mansion or indeed within Lalighe, The Protean City itself.

She stood up and walked to the window, and looked out across the sun domes and crystal spires that made up the skyline. The scent of the Plush flowers wafted up from the gardens below and she was momentarily startled by bright pink flash, as a Crimson Bellbird flew close to the wall of the Mansion. The city was spread out like a magnificent shining jewel reflecting the twin star sources in the Celeste. How proud she was of this city, how beautiful it was. It was known as the Jewel City, and it never ceased to bring her pleasure.

There was a music in the air as the city busied itself with the everyday comings and goings of the populace. Street vendors were shouting the prices of produce; The stitches, as they were called, encouraging young women to try on their hand made garments. For such was the fame of the seamstresses of Lalighe, that maids and matrons would come from miles around, to purchase the exquisitely fashioned clothes and shoes. Children, playing the game of heroes in battle against the diabolical ten tribes, and always winning. And young men, telling tales of their adventures to each other, and hoping to catch the eye of an un-plighted female who happened to stray into their circles.

Her gaze shifted up and out toward the great lands. Where prosperous farmers who had felled the giant Bistarie Forests, and had cleared the allotments, were now bringing in their herds for milking. And the cross cultivation’s that grew row upon row, of vegetable and flower and sang with hum of Gathering Beetles.

In her mind’s eyes, she went 7000 miles to the Perimeter and there was the mighty wall of The Protean City that had kept the Night Realm out and it inhabitants safe for the last 300 years. She knew if she wanted to, she had only to look in a Future Sphere, to actually see the monolithic barrier. But she preferred to use her mind, and not a mere plaything, she would leave that to her sisters.
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Last updated January 01, 2018

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