Just Hours To Go. in The odd entries from life …….

Revised: 12/31/2017 7:06 a.m.

  • Dec. 30, 2017, 10 p.m.
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It seems a long time between Christmas and New Year, but now I look at my clock and there is just nine hours and forty five minutes to the new Year.

One more year since ,,,, well all sorts of things stand out, some more than others, Dad nine years – 88, Mum two years – 89 and Gill three years – 63, each linger in my head and pop up then and now mostly with a happy memory; I smile at Dad slipping on the rocks looking into the ponds, Mum in just the top of her trousers suit and Dad saying it was to much short; Gill’s smile’s linker with me and noted when we said goodbye ….

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New Year Eve is a time to look back, then we look ahead with planes, and walk on with hope in our steps.

15:05 GMT 31:12:2017

Last updated December 31, 2017

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