17 weeks in Baby Stuff

  • Feb. 5, 2014, 9:35 p.m.
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I had an OB appointment today and it went well. We recorded baby's heartbeat, it was 145 bpm. We will be making a bear for him/her after we find out the sex, like we did with Cannon (and he loves his heartbeat bear)! The ultrasound is scheduled for March 5th. I can't wait!

I think I've been feeling small movements since last week but since I'm not sure, I haven't written about it. hopefully the movement will become more regular and easier to feel soon.

We have names picked out, finally! Wyatt Jacob and Lorelei Hazel. Hazel was Jacob's great grandma's name.

I've been sick with a cold and thank goodness Jacob has had snow days since Tuesday. and i had a snow day from school but my teacher still held a mandatory online video session... ugh. it snowed over a foot here! and we are supposed to get more snow this Saturday... I'm more than ready for spring, and Cannon is too. He is bored in the house all day. He is an outside kid.

I took Cannon to his pediatrician appointment for his 18-month check-up and everything is good with him except for his speech development, which I was already concerned with. He scored in the lower normal range, but they like kids to have 25 words by 18 months. Cannon can say a few words, but he doesn't use words to communicate with us. He points at things and says "mm?". We talk to him a lot and read to him so I'm surprised he isn't saying more things, but we will just keep trying. he will talk eventually! If not, I will call the developmental lady and see some specialists. He understands the things we say and can follow directions (although most of the time he chooses not to) so they aren't too concerned yet.

I think he is stubborn. :P

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