Not well in Stuff

  • Dec. 16, 2017, 12:48 a.m.
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  • Public

Well, I am sick :(

I woke up on Wednesday with no voice whatsoever, so that was fun. I know it’s my own fault. i didn’t think the air-conditioner was working properly because I was so hot in bed that I couldn’t sleep properly, so I went out and turned it down an extra four degrees. Cue me waking up under the covers, freezing cold, with a sore throat and no voice haha!

So checking out was fun.
Reception: “How was your stay?”
Me: “…nothing but air comes out of my mouth when I try to speak…”
Reception: “No problems then?”
Me: “shakes head and gives ‘thumbs up’


I then went and grabbed coffee. Coffee would help warm up my air-con-blasted throat! So I did that and read more of my book and just relaxed after my late check-out (12pm booyeah!).
Ordering the coffee was fun with all of their questions:
Barista: “What would you like?”
Me: pointing
Barista: “Would you like cream?”
Me: nods
Barista: “How many shots?”
Me: mouthing whilse holding up two fingers

The poor darl, bless her, got my coffee out to me fast. I just needed something for my throat.
Luckily I wasn’t at Subway, I’d have been there all day pointing at things!

Anyway, it wasn’t until I got off the light rail and onto a connecting bus that I felt my pocket and realized that I didn’t have my phone. I hadn’t even realized. When did I last use it? It was at the hotel. How had I, of all people, not used my phone between the hotel, a coffee at Zaraffas, NOR on the tram? That’s at least 45 minutes. There must be something wrong with me. Had it fallen out of my pocket when I was seated on the tram?

Anyway, so the bus gets back to Helensvale and I decide I needed another coffee haha, so I went and get up with my laptop and emailed the hotel, asking if I’d left it there. And I waited. And waited. But nope, no reply. Great.

I couldn’t hang around forever. I had my movie to attend back in Brisbane that night, so I begrudgingly gave up hope and decided that my phone now belonged to one of the Gold Coast local skater-boys. It had a passcode on it and it’s prepaid, so I wasn’t too worried.
All of my pics! I mean, I’ve uploaded most of the ones I liked anyway to various platforms, but… my nudes! My precious nudes! :O

Anyway, I got home and got to the cinema in time for the movie, with was the first of two fundraisers I’m seeing this week, called “Beach Rats”
Look, the only good thing about this film was that the lead actor was hot and had a good body. He character was essentially a straight guy with a bunch of very straight friends who had a girlfriend, but he secretly liked a bit of dick on the side. Then there were drugs and the whole movie just went nowhere fast and ended all of a sudden. Even the supposed climax of the movie made me roll my eyes. The credits were rolling and the lights came on and I think everyone sat there confused as much as I was.

Anyway, I get back home and go to sleep, and emailed the hotel again when I saw they’d sent one of their “How was your stay?” review emails, as they do, and I saw it was sent from a legit person’s email so figured why not. Probably better than the database email I’d queried earlier.

The next morning there was a reply to my email saying, “I can confirm that we have found your phone. When would you like to pick it up?”

But I felt even worse. I said, “I’ll pick up it either this afternoon or tomorrow afternoon.” I was so sick. I’d called it sick to work that morning, using the house phone, but no-one answered my call, only the invoice lady, so fuck knows what everyone was doing. I was trying to explain to her through my hoarse voice that I wasn’t coming in and to please let someone know. She was like, “Yeah, you don’t sound too good” lol.

Friday, I didn’t go to work either. It was a 6:30am start so there was no point even ringing up. No-one’s there who will answer. It’s the worst part about my job and starting early. The manager will get shitty about someone not calling in sick, but then when you do, no-one’s there. So I slept in. The way I was feeling, I didn’t care.

But I had to get my phone, ergh, and decided the outside air would make me feel better. Another hot QLD day. To do that trip all over again, but I had to get it over with. The trams don’t connect from Helensvale until Monday, and I knew that QR were doing trackwork on the Gold Coast line all weekend, so if I didn’t go now, I wouldn’t get my phone until next week.

I was just thankful that I hadn’t left the damn thing on the tram.

It’s amazing how much I rely on my phone. Like, not even for calls, because I call like zero people, but I mean when I’m using passwords on websites and some are two-step verification so they’ll send an SMS, or some will use the Authenticator app and if you don’t have access to that, they’ll reset it by sending an SMS, both requiring your phone to do so. Ergh. So I had to go get it.

I was seated on a side-facing seat in the quiet carriage on the way down to the coast again and there were some very interesting-looking people seated across from me - read - housing commission-folk lol. One was a lady with two very young kids and another was a guy seated next to her in the seats across, and they ended up striking up a conversation, seemingly not knowing each other at all, and it turns out they each knew each others friends and he went to school with her brother and he was “a fucking legend, ol Wazza!” and they spoke about where they lived and all sorts of things. So much for the ‘quiet carriage’ but it was interesting. They were both missing a few teeth and were rough as guts. The kind of people I’m usually intimidated by on public transport, but thankfully these ones were friendly and just trying to get by and not fucked up on drugs, although I had a feeling the guy might do it every now and then.

Anyway, my stop came and I transferred to the bus. Stupid me didn’t realise that the last stop on that bus was the uni, but the bus driver didn’t say anything and just kept driving all the way to Southport which was where I was going, and when I hit the button she yelled out, “Where are you going mate?”
Had she not seen me? 6”3 me in the striped singlet sitting up the back of the bus?
She did like a weird turn-around over the top of a traffic island and let me off the bus, “You know the last stop on this bus was back at the uni?”
I had a bit of my voice back and hoarsed back to her, “OH I’m sorry, I didn’t know, not from around here.”
I’m just thinking, “Why didn’t she say that back at the uni??” I should have known when everyone got off the bus but me lol. I could have easily caught the tram from the uni.
So then I had to walk along the Gold Coast Highway to find where the tram connected (about a 15 minute walk) and found that and caught that back to Cavill Av, and the lady went and got my phone for me.

I hung around for a bit after that. Why not? I’d come all this way. It’s easy in a 40 minute car but when you’ve trained, bussed and trammed each way, twice, it gets tiring. So I went back to Pacific Fair and ended up buying that cooler bag I’d been looking at for camping. I also bought a messenger bag because I’ve been without one since my old one broke about a year ago. So I had something to carry my stuff around it rather than my pockets. I think I was scared that I had actually lost my phone from my pocket, so that was probably another reason.

I had water and Anticol with me for the trips there and back. It’s so embarrassing having a coughing fit on public transport so the water was just incase. I do that all the time, make sure I have water, that is.

I think the only thing I have left to get my camping now is a camping chair, which is cheap. Fuck them, I’ll sneak it in if I have to.
And I’d better be better by then. It’s two weeks away.

On my way back from the coast, I now had my phone and I’d brought my charger with, as I knew it would be flat. I went onto the car rental place and cancelled the car I’d ordered for today (Saturday). I then texted my mum apologizing that I wouldn’t make it, as I’m still too sick.

I’ve been back on the Sambucol and I need to go out and get some healthy food for eat - soups, salads, all that jazz.

Andrew’s back home now. And he’s come home to me sounding like a butch dyke.
So that’ll be another interesting few months. Looks like Nick will be going sometime soon. He’s just too much of a bitch and doesn’t talk to anyone. Thinks he’s too good for us, so the queen needs to be shown the door. I used to feel bad for him, but I don’t anymore.

So I originally had today off work to go to my family Xmas party, but now I have it off as a sick day instead. My work Xmas party is tonight, which I was actually looking forward to, but that’s now off the cards as well :(
The only one I still want to go to is that movie, but I’m going to be conscious of coughing through it so I’ll probably go and just make sure I have my water to battle off any closed feeling in my throat, which is bound to happen.

I wonder if I’ll make it to work tomorrow for one measley shift this week. And of course this happens right after I’ve had a week of holidays, so everyone at work is probz like ‘He’s faking it” lol.

Wish I was!

Last updated December 16, 2017

Swanny December 16, 2017

Glad you got your phone back.

I was in the Salvo stores this week and noticed they had heaps of camping chairs for sale for like $2. Might be worth a look for your camping trip. I know they're cheap but they're even cheaper at the Salvo's :)

kmh. December 18, 2017

You poor bugger :(
I'm glad you got your phone back.

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