Start The Day in Book Four: Ichi-no-Tani 2017

  • Dec. 14, 2017, 3:06 p.m.
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I am going to explode with technological rage and fury but first…

The interview went well. No way to know for sure if I nailed it but I have experience, I was relaxed, I made jokes, and I demonstrated both my knowledge and personality. If I don’t get the job it will be because (1) my personality isn’t a good fit; (2) there was a more qualified candidate; or (3) the office has too many White Males and diversity is required to better represent the community. Ultimately, I do really want this job. Frankly, the first 6 months of the job would be easier than any job I’d ever had as the first 6 months are strictly Simple Misdemeanors. In other words… Magistrate Court. Which, long time readers will remember, I have extensive experience in Magistrate Court. So… in my humble opinion… they would be fools not to hire me… unless one of the three previous statements apply.

I got home late last night. TRIED to go to sleep early but couldn’t fall asleep. Finally got to sleep and dreamt I was at a Christian Work Conference with Buffy, her parents, one of the “hot girls” from Law School, MBFITWW, and another attorney friend of ours from law school. Not surprisingly, I got into an argument with the Hot Girl from Law School, and then I woke up. I wanted to wake up early, get to the office, start making up some of the hours I missed… but it was fecking COLD in the apartment. Like… stiff joints stiffer and “I’m not masochistic enough to leave these covers” kind of cold. I psyched myself up and finally got out of bed, got dressed, got on the road to work. Worse drivers than usual today. Sat at a Green Light for way too long because someone couldn’t decide whether to go straight or turn right. At least the Highway wasn’t too terrible this morning.

Got into work and sat at my desk. I had left the computer running over night in an attempt to download a butt load of Discovery Materials from the County’s Servers. Not surprisingly, leaving my computer running for 24 hours wound up in a reboot. INFURIATINGLY SURPRISINGLY: the reboot wiped my hours. It re-set my whole system back to MONDAY! Now, even if I hadn’t hit SAVE on my hours before leaving on Wednesday, I can 100% promise I hit SAVE on my hours before leaving on Tuesday. Because I saved my hours, powered my computer down, and took it home with me on Tuesday. WHY CAN I ONLY ACCESS MONDAY!? This is crazy. This is bullshit. This is going to cost me and this firm a LOT of money. Because when I left yesterday… I had billed 13.4 hours. When you erase all of my work from Tuesday and Wednesday? I’m down to 4.8 hours. I have to try to remember 8.6 hours of billable work… on two days where most of my billable was in increments of 0.1. INFURIATING.

ANOTHER reason to want the job I interviewed for. Or really… any other job, frankly. Because… need I remind you… I supply all my own tech and have no IT assistance. My work phone is my personal cell phone. My work computer is my personal laptop. My work car (which is required to drive all over this state 56,273 sq miles) is my personal car. Everything “for me” in this firm, I provided… with the exception of the chair and desk I am presently using.

I am just… really upset that my computer once again ATE MY FUCKING RECORDED HOURS. Even my backup drive WHICH I HAVE BEEN USING rebooted to an earlier version… not like “November 21” earlier version… I mean OCTOBER 12 earlier version. Mother. Fucker.

stargazing December 14, 2017

Can you use a spreadsheet in Google drive to record your hours? My job relies on Google Drive to do all of our billing, and we've never lost data.

Always Laughing December 16, 2017


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