Where are my teeth! in The odd entries from life …….

Revised: 11/27/2017 2:59 p.m.

  • Nov. 26, 2017, 11 p.m.
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Going out with out your smile.

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A good day for staying in.

It was raining when I gut up, at seven o clock, but I went to sleep again after turning my alarm off on my clock! I woke again at eight seventeen, I washed my hair got dressed feed the dogs told my son I was going in to Truro left my list and camera with my shoulder bag; but I remembered my shopping trolley and a coat and some things left by a stocker and I was two minuets early for the bus ………..

I had to go out ……..

It was a good day to sleep late, but there was a Nurse expecting me to be at the Doctors Sergey at ten o clock in Probus; it’s a few minuets walk from the bus stop. The walk going was with the wind and rain on my back!

The Nurse told me it was an open wound.

This is the seventh visit to a Doctor or Nurse after having a three in blister on my right leg, it was a Nurse today and seemed pleased with my once open wound; then she changed the dressing. I’ve dropped into a very good Sergey here, all the staff from high to low are all very nice as we walk in.

I’m going again on Wednesday.

I already have appointment booked for Wednesday, my thread coerce of medication could be my last, when I’m there will be two pairs of presser stockings; they are doing there best to keep me young’ish.

It’s Cyber Monday.

We are getting this days now, something from a America I think, today is Cyber Monday and now we are between Black Friday’s; when will the next day pop up – will it be ‘Clowns Day’ Wasn’t Black Friday enough?

Today a went out with out three teeth.


I’ll start a Tuesday count your teeth day

21:58 GMT 28:11:2017

Last updated November 28, 2017

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