yes but how does that impact her? and laundry. in yes i'm aware it's 2016.

Revised: 11/14/2017 5:42 a.m.

  • Nov. 14, 2017, 5:41 a.m.
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so. last night i was saying how. um. the lady told me [well indirectly. she eluded to it] to have another clothing item in the washing machine to balance it out. ok and that makes sense. but i don’t see how that impacts her. or the washing machine. or me. like uh ok good to know. but she’s talking about the object and not the people. and not how the 2 are correlated. now i’m not stupid i can figure it out. But i need to actually hear, her reason for it. is it bc my clothes won’t get washed all the way? um. but isn’t what setting the time on the washing machine does? is it makes sure it goes through the complete cycle?
alrite so. last wk. when i finally dd m did my laundry after 2 wks. of not.having done it [the dryer wasn’t working and i always use the dryer. some people don’t] she proceeds to put the clothes of mine that are on top of the washing machine on the floor. which i then wash again bc the clothes are now unclean. If she doesn’t want me leaving them there then just tell me. but don’t move them for me. like i’m 4. what bc i’m 4? and she knows i hate when people do things for me. and yet. she goes and does stuff for me. [which is funny cause i move their clothes out of the dryer when i need to use it. so guess i should talk though right?]. and she did. last night she left a note on the dryer telling me not to ‘place’ [she can just say ‘put’ god] anything there. ok right but i’ve not heard why. again i’m capable of figuring that out but i need to actually not read it from any comments on here but actually i need explicit instructions for things like this.
like sure sometimes a microwave doesn’t heat things evenly. but that’s never stopped me from using the microwave. so i guess what i’m saying is. even if she told me the reason. it wouldn’t stop me from doing things my way. it just means. i’d have heard the reason.

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