hydrogen water bus bench awkward thing coat snapped wrong way guy took chai starbucks cop thing look for coat wearing in 2017. got it.

Revised: 07/17/2018 7:56 a.m.

  • Nov. 13, 2017, 3:55 a.m.
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  • Public

so i don’t like cops. and earlier a security gaurd type approached me and asked if i had a ride. but to me she was just being nice in order
to gain my trust. that, probably sounds bad but i’m a cynic and a negative person so. yeah gain my trust only to betray me by breaking my
confidentiality. if it had been anyone else.......i’d feel um.patronised. like ‘are you ok do you need a ride?’ god i’m not 2. i know i’m a
small lady but i’m not fragile. instead of ‘you good you got a ride?’. i actually prefer that. and yes.

so earlier when i was at starbucks. this guy took a chair to use from the table i was at. which i wasn’t planning on using but fine don’t
ask. i wasn’t offended or anything. it’s somewhat funny. like that’s cool.

thatawkwardmomentwhen. you’ve sat down on a bus bench for a few mins. to rest. and this lady comes and sits down. and you wait a few mins.

so she doesn’t think you’re leaving just bc you are. even though. you are.

so there’s this new water out that’s called ‘hydrogen water’. um. hydrogen is in.water. in fact it’s one of the things water is made up of.
but you want to be all redundant that’s fine.

yeah so earlier. i had my coat snapped wrong. well that’s embarassing. at least w/ zippers a person can’t http://like.zip them wrong

Last updated July 17, 2018

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