alyssa black molasses in yes i'm aware it's 2016.

  • Nov. 12, 2017, 12:06 p.m.
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so back in sept. i posted an entry entitled ‘alyssa black molasses........ ‘ in which i put: ‘ so. A few months ago I met this mall regular Alyssa. well recently. She knows i’m always cold cause well i’ve told her. and so she recommended black strap mollasses. apparently it’s great for depression as well.’

well. i’ve seen her a few times since. and one time she asked if i’d gotten it. and i told her no and she said ‘ok well try to remember ok? i know it’s hard.’. well firstoff. and again someone either does, or doesn’t or starts to. they don’t try that’s not a thing. and most of the time it’s not that i forgot it’s that i didn’t do it. The real reason I’ve been avoiding actually talking to her bc great now i’ve been held accountable. and i don’t like that. like she doesn’t understand my situation. she doesn’t understand that if i were to take meds or w/e it’d have to be monitored. or that i don’t have that much money. and that stuff. isn’t really for her, to understand.
see. this is what happens when random mall um regulars introduce themselves to me. is we have a conversation and i end up avoiding them bc of something that was said. this is one of the reasons i prefer not meeting people.
also. it’s not like that’s the only thing that helps. apparently cinnamon helps w/ circulation. that’s one reason i’m so cold all the time is i have bad circulation.
so um. that’s where i’m at there......

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