kate stuff gardens college. in yes i'm aware it's 2016.

  • Nov. 10, 2017, 3:10 a.m.
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so i don’t know if i’ve mentioned this. or not. but my sister. wants to be a dr. which is.weird and so unlike her. She’s gone back to school she’s in college now. er in college again i mean. When she was in her early 20’s [wow. she’s 27 now] she went to Parson’s.School Of Design since apparently there are 2. it’s where Project Runway’s filmed. um. she was going to go into fashion but then decided that wasn’t for her.
anyway so back to now. So she was a scribe for a bit but she’s quitting that. she’s been busy w/ um school and at one point work. oh she volunteered at the ER. which she liked. i mean i don’t like hospitals but she does. anyway and so bc she’s been busy we’ve been seeing each other a lot less than usual. back during the summer er over the er. in june i mean when I first learned, she was going to school i couldn’t wait for that to happen. but ya know maybe that was the key.was distance. cause for those who’ve been following my blog for awhile it’s no secret we have issues. [well rather i have issues w/ her. and it certainly isn’t now now that people know about it. no uh.].
yeah so......like the wk. before Halloween we went to the pumpkin thing at the gardens. the botanic, gardens. which was nice and also that part was weird.
um so yeah. we’re better, for right.now.

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