Tell me your sins.... in The eye of every storm

  • Oct. 26, 2017, 1:44 a.m.
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Well. Here it is.

I’m really depressed. I don’t know or understand why. I have an amazing job, an amazing wife, and amazing friends. I think the six surgeries last year (and the one upcoming for diverticulitis) may have aggravated my PTSD from the wars.

I’ve been put on Cymbalta (after wellbutrin and effexor). I’m prescribed Klonopin and Lunsesta for sleep, but I earnestly believe this combination of medicine is making me feel MORE depressed. I’ve started smoking again. It helps with the anxiety. I know its bad. There’s no lecture needed. I’ve called my doctor, done the right things, but have not heard back. #bigcityproblems

I’ve no-showed work twice in two months. This isn’t like me. I am not myself.

Diary Jesus, this is my confession.

Last updated October 26, 2017

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