A matter of faith …. in The odd entries from life …….

Revised: 10/29/2017 9 p.m.

  • Oct. 29, 2017, 1 a.m.
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A matter of faith ….

It’s near four weeks since I saw the first Christmas Tree in a shop in Truro, It was yesterday in the café in the Methodist Church a saw my first Mother-Christmas; she is in there often dressed in a way people notice her.

I have started my festive shopping, two slim box of ‘Oranges & Lemons’ something we always had in our Christmas Shock’s, when I was young and our children after; I enjoy to carry it on I hope to a third band of the family.

The last four weeks I’ve been buying flowers, it all started with a e-mail on the day before our next meting of the Support Group, one part of e-mail was the lady who runs the group was retiring from the Group; shook! I range a few members with the news, and what should we do, of cores it is flowers and I was the with time!

Wednesday morning I was out flowers shopping, I found a florist who can have the flowers ready in an hour, I chose the flowers and the other little things make a bunch; with a nod or two from the florist; it was a large

An hour latter I walking away like I was father with is first child…..

At seven we were there taking in new news, the second lady in control was retiring – shook on shook! It turned out our leader’s father had a few weeks to live, he is in his nineties and has cancer for some time, and the mother has dementia; so felt she needed to leave.

The younger lady had as also retiring betweenthe two meanings, I had thought she was ill; thankfully I was way off.

It turner out the our leader lady don’t want to levee, and didn’t what the group to stop, and all of us agreed, with our link with NHS now there their should be someone to help; all aggraded and the retiring flowers became Celebration flowers.

The e-mail note before our last meting said our second lady would be there, being a fair sort I came with more flowers! This time it seemed it was her husband work had changed, he would be working nights, it was talked out and her to come when she can; once more my flowers were for a Celebration.

It’s nice handing out flowers you get lovely hugs …. (c8

Our monthly meting will carry on with some minder changes, our meetings will still have it’s old friendly when and we be able to laugh through dark talks; being told it’s ok to laugh dose let the stress to ease.

On the Sunday after the first meting in the event, every Sunday we have prayers for people who are ill or some one how is close, before the serves I couldn’t see who was tacking the serves, when the serves started a Lady stood up from the middle of the church; so I had to get there attention in the serves.

I told way a was asking, and my two friends were included in the prayers, in the next meting things were much better. I have faith and I see this one way, others will think over ways.

00:57 GMT 30:10:2017

Last updated October 29, 2017

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