please don't talk about me when i'm gone. or even when i'm not. in yes i'm aware it's 2016.

  • Nov. 8, 2017, 7:14 p.m.
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so. this was just.awkward. and embarassing. ok so tues. er no wait it was wed. yeah anyway. So last Wed. after I’d put my PIN in 3 times and talked to the self checkout lady ashley about it. well for some reason after that i felt really awkward and uncomfortable. and apparently when i feel that way i.act out. well so I went and was going to get a Luna bar. yes w/ the card that didn’t work. cause i don’t listen to people. i’m the person where. someone tells me not to do something. and i’ve never wanted to do it more.
anyway so when I was at the self checkout I overheard ashley talking to 2 of the manager people about me. and not like in a bad way she was just telling them about the PIN card thing. and I felt really.just awkward having overheard their conversation. wrong time it just came at the wrong time. [so apparently i have a problem w/ women named ‘ashley’. first there was my sister’s friend and now it’s this lady.]. From their conversation I got that maybe they think I’m lower functioning then i am........and more fragile then i actually am. like ‘we should keep an eye on this lady cause she doesn’t completely understand how things work’. well which i mean yeah sometimes i don’t but does anyone, really? like i felt all defensive even though. i was the one who’d overheard them.
i don’t care if people talk to me.or not so long as they don’t talk about me ya know? [or maybe you don’t.]. was just. yeah.........awkward.

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