Kathy Griffin in Adventures in paradise

  • Oct. 24, 2017, 5:02 a.m.
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Kathy Griffin was fairly good. I did laugh a few times, but she wasn’t my favourite comedian I’ve seen. Rather than run around the stage and tell jokes, she only moved from the podium a couple of times to emphasize some of her stories, which were all real-life, rather than made-up stories, although I assume some were exaggerated. The show was based off of her run-in with Donald Trump and, as we were expecting, she didn’t hold back on how much of a “gunt” she thought he was. A “gunt” is a guy who has a gut and is a cunt. Therefore, a “gunt” lol.
The first thing that surprised me was when she ran out on stage. She’s completely cut all her hair off in support of her sister who had cancer, so she barely even looked like the Kathy Griffin I grew up watching on TV with those long flowing red locks. But of course, she sounded exactly like her so of course it was her lol.
She spoke about living next door to the Kardashians and how nice but dumb they are and that she hears Kanye blasting Enya (that was a surprise!).

Anyway, I got there about 15 minutes earlier so went down to the Astroturf Cafe to say hi to my friend Julian before the show. I’d initially gone up to the bar and I don’t think I’ve seen so many gay people in all my life in Brisbane. I think there were more there than at our Pride Festival (not quite) lol.
Julian was there with his friend Blair, but were seated a few rows behind us. Had a few laughs with them before having to check in my umbrella to the cloakroom (my phone was telling me there was a 100% chance of rain and there were dark clouds menacing about but I didn’t need it after all, dammit.) Thankfully it was free as part of the ticket.
Vish and James were grabbing dinner before the show so I was texting them to hurry up and be there on time because if they weren’t, they wouldn’t be allowed in. They made it with like 5 mins to spare lol. I was like, “If you aren’t here, I will kill you.” lol.

Look how close to the stage I was!

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Me and Vishy

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Me, Vishy and his boyfriend, James.
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Man she can talk fast. Like she had so many stories to tell and not enough to time to tell them in. She were probably out of there around 9:10pm when the show started at 7pm. I found it surprising that she’s never had a drink in her life, despite being at all these events and parties and such. She claims that she’s crazy enough without alcohol involved and her mother drinks more than enough for both of them. She researched local news and paid out Brisbane about our ‘scooter riders’ so I thought it was kinda cool that she does that and changes it up for each city she’s in.
I can say that I’ve seen her now and she was definitely entertaining enough. I knew most of the American celebs she was bitching about but there were a few I had no clue of. I guess that’s gonna happen. But of course Trump got slammed the most and she explained all the shit she went through and that she’s not a terrorist lol.

Turns out an ex-housemate, Reece, was seated in the row behind us, but I didn’t see him. He saw my Snapchat so he texted to let me know.

We hopped in an Uber after to go to the valley to catch up with Mitch for Grill’d. Mitch is so easy on the eyes that i never complain about meeting up with him. But Vish and James’ being Vish and James’ decided to hop out of the Uber near their house and swap to their car to drive the rest of the way, you know, cos their car was nicer than the Uber driver’s car was lol.
Oh, those two… perfect for each other I tell ya what.

We had to order our food in the car on the way there because they were closing at 10pm and it was already 9:45 lol. They were nice and let us eat at the outside table whilst they closed up. They have a policy where they can’t count the tills whilst customers are still in the store, so for us to eat outside was fine. Had some laughs, found out that Mitch was buying a Mini for $5 (why can’t I buy a mini for 5k?? - like I’d fit in one lol) from a workmate and that was currently annoyed at his boyfriend for whatever reason. His boyfriend lives a fair drive away and I joked, “Geez, that’s a lot of effort to go to for sex!”
Vish chimes in, “Yeah but they make it happen at least once a week.”
Mitch just laughed. He was at some rich-friend’s birthday party at the casino on the Gold Coast where his friend proposed to his boyfriend, so that was cute to hear about.

I caught up on the Q&A show on ABC on Iview today, since I couldn’t watch it live last night as I was at Kathy Griffin, and it was a special show about the same-sex marriage debate. I was preparing to hate it, but it actually wasn’t too bad. Lot of disagreements but still civil enough conversation. A lot of the audience questions were really good.

The thing that keeps coming up that annoys me the most, I think, if that the ‘No’ side keep saying they are being bullied by the ‘Yes’ side as being “bigots” and “homophobes” for their ‘No’ views on this.
I mean, when it’s personal, I can understand why. But what annoys me the most is that they can’t handle a bit of name-calling, when LGBT people, like myself, have had to deal with being called ‘faggots’ and ‘pedophiles’ for most of our lives, from uneducated straight fuckwits.

I feel like saying, “Well now you bitches know what it feels like!”

But I won’t :P

Last updated October 24, 2017

Silver Satan October 24, 2017

crunchie October 26, 2017

I actually had a guy from the no campaign knock on my door on sunday. He was decked out in his "it's ok to say no" badges and I thought here we go. I told him I had voted yes and he just said "ok enjoy your day" and off he went thankfully.

KissOfLife! crunchie ⋅ October 27, 2017

Respectful. I appreciate that.

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