I got it. in Whey and Sonic Screwdrivers.
- Oct. 24, 2017, 12:21 p.m.
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TNG fanfic: Comedy goldmine.
But I needed a hook. An emotional arc. I’ve written about my childhood. I’ve written about exgirlfriends. I’ve written about suicidal thoughts. But there’s one aspect I haven’t written about: my dad.
I can very easily conjure up Jean-Luc’s overbearing, disapproving dad. And you KNOW Lwaxana will pop in there somewhere. Cue Picard and Troi looking at each other and facepalming.
I think I can do this. I still need to do some character brainstorming, in terms of how I will parody various characters. But plot? I don’t need no stinking plot! Nanowrimo: No plot? No problem!
It’ll practically write itself.
Scotty: “Is your chief engineer blind or something that he couldn’t do this?”
Data: “Well, technically, Mr. Scott.....”
Te he he!
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