Finally doing something in Adventures in paradise

  • Nov. 13, 2017, 1:13 a.m.
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I dunno what the rest of those NoJoMo questions are like, but I didn’t like the next set either so I’m not gonna bother doing it. Oh well I tried.
I’d rather just write about my life TBH.

I’ve been racking my brain over what to do for my birthday and I knew if I didn’t organise something soon, places were going to either be booked out, or too expensive, so today I made a decision and I’m just doing something local. Well, local-ish. I’m going to the Goldy, to what was one of my favourite hotels that I stayed in years ago. The rooms are large, they have a spa in them, and they sent the email saying they were having a sale, and the dates were valid, so I booked it. Just 4 nights away, but it’ll be over a weekend. It may even be close to Schoolies. I haven’t decided if that’s a good or a bad thing. I’m sure they are a no party hotel and I sure won’t be partying with the school-leavers lol but if it falls on those dates, I’m sure I’ll probably come across a few drunkards if I’m out late, but this old cow (I’ll be 34!) probably won’t be anyway. I did look at other cities (like Canberra, which is still the only Australian Capital city I’ve yet to visit - you know, just the Australian capital), but they had fucked up valid dates like from mid-January next year (what good is that gonna do me for my b’day?). Although visiting Canberra in Summer is probably the only good time to go.
But anyway, Goldy it is. It was a pretty good deal and I signed up for the hotel perks thingy to get late checkout and free-wifi. The good thing about the Goldy is that I don’t have to worry about lugging my laptop on a plane and worrying about the carry-on weight. It’s pretty easy to get to in other ways. And I have always liked the Gold Coast. So yeah, that’s sorted. At least I’m doing something. I can already seeing myself getting a bottle of rose’ and laying in that spa like a beached whale. They do offer a free drink as park of those perks, so I wonder what it is. I’m just worried about them ringing me and bothering me like a lot of hotels were renowned for doing about 5/10 years ago trying to get you to sign up to extra shit. I made sure I didn’t have my number listed. Email spam I can handle.

I’ve taken on an extra shift this week for my manager, who is away taking his kid to an appointment, so it’ll be a full-time week for me. I like these sometimes full-time weeks. It’s so much better than being contracted full-time, at least to me. But because I’m not used to it, it seems like a very long week. I’ll just suck it up and get it over with. Need to pay for this trip somehow.
I’m actually glad I took on the shift, because Wednesday is the day that the results of the Australian Same-Sex Marriage Survey are going to be released. I’m already stressing about it. if the polls are correct, there should only be the one electorate that has majority-voted ‘No’ (hello Maranoa!). I read an article this week that the debate about this in Maranoa has been very respectful, even more-so than in the big cities. Umm, well considering the population difference and awesome-people/fuckhead ratios are vastly different in numbers, I’m not surprised! Also, I’m assuming most people in Maranoa are homophobic and uncomfortable with their sexuality anyway.
So I dunno what to believe. I’ve heard this whole time that the results will be majorly in the ‘Yes’ votes, but then I heard that one source saying that the ‘No’ vote will win.
I just can’t even fathom it. That there would be that many people voting ‘No’. 77% of people on the electoral role have voted in this voluntary non-binding survey. That’s a lot of people. It’s something like 13 million people I think. It’s over half of our national population. So a lot of people have had a say. I’d like to think we’re with the times, but when we’ve got MP’s submitting ‘Yes’ bills to the parliament (in the event of a ‘Yes’ result) with clauses stating that religious venues and cake-makers can say ‘No’ to a couple simply because they are the same gender, it’s really makes this whole equality thing not very equal at all.
I mean, as IF I would want to give my money to some wanker with views like that anyway. I’d PREFER to know if they’ve poisoned the damn cake.
This whole cake-thing again. Thanks America!
So anyway, my point was that I’ll now be working, so I won’t have to think about what the result is. Although I’m sure I’ll find out as soon as I sit down for my first break. There’s get-together gatherings and everything happening. I don’t know which way it will go, but I would still like to think that the majority of voters are good, unselfish people who don’t care who other people love. That’s what it comes down to for me.

And we’ve got a state election at the end of this month, with Nutcase 1.0/AKA Female-Trump (Pauline Hanson) and Nutcase 2.0 (Tim Nichols) teaming up their preference votes to try and win government. And with Brexit and Trump both winning, Aussies might think we have to follow suit LOL. Man, it’s fucking scary shit. I mean, really. The mere idea of that redhead being our Premier (although I’m not sure if she herself is actually running as she’s more into Federal politics) makes me want to move states! Christ almighty. How are people like her and that fuckhead in the Mackay electorate given positions of helping run the country?

My family Christmas party is happening on December 16th. There’s so much happening for me in December that I’ve been trying to plan it all around the dates etc. I’ve got my actual birthday on December 4th, which is a Monday. I still have to plan something for that! I’m thinking of just going to Ze Pickle in the valley and inviting a few people like I did last year, except last year was at Grill’d. Then I have the Kate Voegele/Tyler Hilton concert on the 8th, so I’m glad I checked because I’d originally booked going away for my birthday later that week from the 7th but have now changed it to the 9th. I mean, I thought I could just travel back home for the concert and easily go back to the Goldy but you know, pfft, effort. I’d rather not have to if I can avoid it.
Then I’ll have work again that week, but have hired a car to go out to Pittsworth on the Saturday for the extended family Christmas party. That will be fun, as always, knowing everyone knows I’m the rainbow sheep of the entire family generation but no-one’s game enough to bring it up. Seriously, I’m the ONLY one, out of everyone. The closest I have to be is my 2nd or 3rd cousin, Zac, who is gay, so thank fuck there’s him but he’s a pretty distant relative so probably won’t be at this gathering. His older brother, Lukas, was also gay but passed away quite a few years ago now, which was very shocking and sad at the time. I usually always go visit his grave when I’m out that way, wondering what he was like. We only really ever had the one small conversation over MSN back in the day.
Then a few weeks after that, I’m away for New Years for Tropical Fruits! That one I am really anxious about. I’ll be fucking CAMPING for the first time in forever. I’m borrowing Vish’s car to get to it and back, since it’s in the middle of nowhere, and there isn’t really anyway with shelter to park it. So I’m trying to think if there’s any car-parks in Lismore that I could park it at etc rather than leaving it out in the open. I’ll have to look into that. Since I’ll have saved on extortionate car-rental prices (seriously, some places want $700 for a car over NYE), I should be okay with paying for parking for a few days. It’s just that it’s a BMW and the last thing I need is some Summer hail-storm coming over the campsite. Paranoia is a fun thing, I tells ya!

I think that’s all I wanted to say.

crunchie November 13, 2017

Strange fact- I'm booked in to get a boob job on your birthday! Lol

KissOfLife! crunchie ⋅ November 13, 2017

Haha now that's a good birthday present - from me to you! :D

whowhatwhere November 13, 2017

I keep thinking about what is going on there and it makes me so sad. Today I went to a mall to get new shoes and saw a cute gay couple holding hands while going about their way. This is a normal sight here.

But then I thought about the hick town I'm from and I think it would be dangerous for 2 men to hold hands walking down the street.

So as a nation we still have a ways to go. Why can't we just let people be themselves?

Swanny November 15, 2017

I wish we were more like the Swiss rather than Bretix/Trump. Your trip away sounds nice :)

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