Spring cleaning in Stuff

  • Oct. 16, 2017, 10:20 a.m.
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Someone posted this on their FB today. Can anyone spell ‘I-R-O-N-Y’???

Not too worried. There’s been a couple of pre-polls suggesting that the ‘Yes’ vote will win by at least 66%. I’m leaning more toward 70%, but I’m optimistic. There were a lot of ways to tamper with this poll, and it’s still open for another two weeks.

It’s wet. Very wet. It hasn’t stopped raining for the past 48 hours here and it’s been pretty steady. You’d think that would keep customers away at work, but nope, quite the contrary. Every man, woman, cat and dog were in the store doing their groceries whilst it pissed down outside. You know what I think when it’s pissing down out? Yeah, sure, let’s all pile into the car in wet conditions and fly on down to the shops! I’ll never understand the human race in my lifetime I don’t believe.

So because of the wet, and because I ain’t organised anyway, camping sure as heck didn’t go ahead. Nor will it probably next week, as I figure it’ll still be pretty damp! There was a warning area for Brisbane but now Brisbane has been cancelled and the flash-flood warning remains in place for the Sunshine Coast which is just north of here. I just shared a video of Mt. Coolum which is now a waterfall. I used to go camping on that mountain as a kid!

But I was looking into Noosa for camping, if I can. I’d have to get a ferry over to a part of it, but it looks very nice, and I think school is back so it should be pretty quiet, I think anyway. That’s the tentative plan anyway, maybe in about two or three weeks. Pencil that in.

Because it was pissing down outside, I decided to do some Spring cleaning, and boy, did I ever. I threw out one bag of clothes and have two other bags ready to go to charity. I swear it feels like i only just did a clothes cull, but I sure had fun playing dress-up this morning. I’d find clothes I hadn’t worn in ages or had fond memories of wearing and I’d either get excited when I saw they a) still fit me and b) I thought looked good on me (especially a red-flanel-design jacket that I initially hated) or I’d get depressed when I’d see that c) they no longer fitted me or d) I looked like shit in them. Categories ‘C’ and ‘D’ went into the bags. It was especially sad saying goodbye to the sentimental clothes that no longer fit me. Goodbye size 32’s, smalls and some mediums. I don’t think I’ll ever have a use for you guys again :( I also threw into the bags a bunch of shoes that weren’t comfortable on me, despite them being nice. I’d rather wear shoes that are comfortable thank-you, and that is damn hard when I have size 13 feet. I just bought new work shoes last week and wearing them in is killing me, but I know I just have to stick at it. They are advertised as sports shoes, but there’s no way in hell I can gym in them at this stage, so if I need to gym, I certainly stay away from cardio. Just not pleasant. But my other shoes are still good for now and I can wear them if I want to. I’m now culled down to 7 pairs of shoes. I think I had about 11. WHY does a guy need that many shoes, really? I think it’s because it’s so rare when I find size 13 shoes that I actually like as well that I just snap them up if I see them.
I also got rid of the hanging-felt-basket thing which I’ve used for a few years in order to create more hanging space, which I’ve now put my shirts on hangers rather than folding them. I can now see them more easily when I want to pick out something to wear. It actually looks a lot neater now, but that’s only the clothes rack done. I want to attack the rest of my room tomorrow, which I figure will be a good job to do if it’s still raining.
I have all these old CD’s (who plays CD’s anymore?) that I’m not sure what to do with. I’m obsessed with music so I do want to keep them but I kind of want them out of the way somewhere. Same with all my DVD’s. I still play them occasionally but we’re now in a world of Spotify/Itunes and Netflix/Stan and everything is digitalised. I was thinking of moving my DVD’s out to the lounge. Maybe Kurt will find some of them interesting to watch if he’s bored one day. Andrew will as well when he’s home from London, as he’s in the DVD era like me. I do have some stuff that isn’t yet available digitally (pretty much the only time I buy DVD’s now). Don’t have to worry about Nick as I barely ever see him anyway.

What do people do with old laptops? Just throw them out? They were another thing I found tucked on the base of the clothes rack. Considering what I originally forked out for them, it seems a shame to just throw them away. I know one of them works fine but the other one is this chunky old thing that I think died in the arse forever ago. The other one just makes a whirring noise that pissed me off which is why I got the one I have now. Guess I’ll store them somewhere tomorrow. This room’s gonna look clean soon!

I got my prints from Jadyn and they are awesome. They’re actually a perfect size, for like maybe a hallway or something one day. I was looking into getting A3+ frames but of course it’s one of those weird custom sizes that isn’t as common as A3 is, so now I’m kind of wanting to just laminate them instead, which should be possible, right? And it’s a lot cheaper than the frames, which I would have trouble trying to hang up anyway. My other laminated posters in my room (my ones from Paris) are only laminated also so it would go with them, but these are actual photos which I think deserve a frame. I did find a site that does pretty cool custom design frames (different colours and all) but I’d be looking at $100 for two frames and that’s three times the cost of the photos haha. I’d probably make good use of them though over the years, so part of me thinks it’d be an investment. But a laminate would be so much easier and I could just blu-tack them up.
Look at me, tossing up between a custom wooden coloured frame and a laminate. Jadyn would kill me if he knew I was even considering the latter. Those frames would look pretty cool. Maybe one light blue frame and one green one, I was thinking. You saw the photos in the previous entry and they have a white edging on them. Just wondering what might look good with them.

I actually think I’m going to hate camping, because of how long it’s been since I last did. I have creature comforts. I need some more good books to read so that I won’t go crazy, and I don’t think I’ll be setting up camp for long. Not like the 4 or so nights that I will be over New Year.

Oh and that North Korean lunatic threatened Australia this morning because we support the U.S. lolz.
Go team.

Swanny October 16, 2017

Get the frames. You'll keep them forever, so it's worth the spend. With the old laptops people usually pull out the hard drives and put a drill through them to destroy the data. Then send the whole thing to the recycle yard where they'll use it for parts and/or destroy. Throwing it in the recycle bin should be fine, ends up in the same place.

I remember camping in QLD as a teen & getting rained out. Was bloody horrible at the time but so much fun too. Maybe not so much fun as an adult tho ;) Noosa would be a gorgeous place to go tho or Bribe Island.

kmh. October 17, 2017

Wow, that picture... just wow.
Ah, a spring clean out feels so good!
Get the frames, it’s an investment you’ll keep forever probably :D

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