Brief catch up... in Thoughts.

  • Sept. 1, 2018, 1:36 a.m.
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I’ve gotten a few promotions in the past few months, and now I’m making over $6/hr more than a year ago. I had to buy a computer because now I have work emails and need excel and outlook and word.

Who knew I would need all of that when I started baking a few years ago.

I’ve moved out of living with family, and have a room mate. She has two bunnies. I still need more furniture.

I dated a guy briefly, around the same time I switched to third shift.. we decided to be friends, but I decided that isn’t what is best for me nearly a month ago.. Last night I saw him for the first time since, and we didn’t speak, but by the end of the night we had texted and talked on the phone twice. We texted more today. I know I need to stop talking to him. I just find it difficult right now…

Since moving, I have lost 17lbs. I have still not reached my goal, because it fluctuates and such. But I am closer than I have been in almost three years.

I’ve been struggling with the fibromyalgia, since switching to third shift, but I refuse to give up, and I’m just trying to make it through till I am adjusted enough that I have more energy. I haven’t been up to going to the gym in about a month, but I’ve maintained the weightloss during that time, and even lost another pound.

I guess that will be all for now.

what is going on with you?


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