At Home. in The odd entries from life …….

Revised: 09/19/2017 6:05 a.m.

  • Sept. 19, 2017, midnight
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I’ve had three days in Portsmouth and two day’s on Trains getting there and back again, but this time it felt more like a holiday, I stayed with my Sister in Warbling Street the other end of the street is called King Charles Street; they say houses at that end are more expansive – some at that end are smaller – very!

I have one photograph ready as I managed to take 740 images, I’m working like a pro now taking six shot of each, or half pro as I’m sure the real pro shot more; a safely way of working and a very good idea.

I think I will make sets of the images, going, day 1, day 2, day three and going home. I should have plenty of time, we have roads work in the village so our hourly buses are down to one bus in the morning and a second in the late afternoon, my Son needed to go it to Truro today; so he well have a long day in Truro ….

Today is warmish autumn day good enough for drying washing, our towels our out now and my things are washing now.

My one photograph ‘Southsea Common’ a pleasant grassed area looking over the Solent.

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12:59 BSM 19:09:2017

Last updated September 19, 2017

Roseyrays September 19, 2017

Deleted user September 21, 2017

740 shots is just a few less than is on my whole phone camera :-)

NorthernSeeker September 21, 2017

I'm quite capable of taking 740 photos on a trip...and it's fun to look at them and work with them afterwards. Looking forward to your upcoming photo entries.

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