Adulting in 2017

  • Aug. 29, 2017, 10:36 p.m.
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The school year is slowly falling into a rhythm. We arent morning people, so we have a few wrinkles to iron out in wake up times, but overall I’m seeing a much more productive girl in terms of getting herself ready. I’ve been trying to set out her clothes the night before so that we arent running in the morning looking for socks or shorts… I’m thinking some of the motivation is that her friend/classmate Miguel comes over in the mornings W-F. And he comes at 8…so shes rushing to get ready to socialize with her buddy. Once she (they) leaves for school, I am able to get so much done. Again, still needs fine tuning…but I’m amazed how much I can accomplish with just Orion in tow. We can have one-on-one time. and play outside, and I can still get a few loads of laundry or other chores done. I think the key to those levels of productivity is the fact that Orion still naps. Willingly.


Today I did a load of laundry, had an eye exam, took the new kitten for shots/appt, went to orientation at the grade school, and grocery shopped. Kid you not, this is likely more activity than I’ve had in a long time.

I did tell you guys about the new (and final) ginger kitty....right?

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