The Grinch Stole Puddle Town in Everyday Ramblings
- Aug. 7, 2017, 11:05 a.m.
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It is so dry out there. Which is profoundly weird here in puddle town.
And although we had a bit of a break in bad air quality we are back to smoky air full of particulate matter and not good for breathing. The recommendation is to stay inside.
For the next week.
It is at least not too hot now and that is a relief. As I get back into the groove here after the surgery I am going out early and then not going out afternoon much at all.
It has been nice not to need to deal with direct intense sun and feels so dramatically different from our usual wet and how wet can you get weather pattern.
After being so busy for so long it has felt a bit disconcerting to have a little downtime at home. On Saturday night I actually colored a bit in a coloring book while listening to a podcast.
And yesterday after church Mrs. Sherlock took me out for an iced mint tea and a conversation about religion and spirituality that felt so luxurious here when everyone has been preoccupied with politics for at least a year.
Not that politics aren’t worth talking about, I feel so bad about what is happening in Venezuela and have for a long time. So much suffering and corruption.
All this week I am teaching healthy hips. I am doing another anatomy course. I have been teaching three separate classes a week for a long time but now I am interested in taking a bit of a deeper dive into a particular subject area and build off the previous classes.
If I am ever able to build a sustained student base for all my classes that is the way I would like to teach. The material is so rich and there are so many places to go.
The church has said they want to continue sponsoring my Monday class through the fall. It is a good deal for them and it does bring a group of like-minded folks together for a warm and friendly group.
I may reach out to one of the other big churches downtown during the fall about sponsoring their own class.
One of the newer students showed up three minutes before start time last week and was befuddled by the fact that the room was full, everybody in their spots laughing and talking and interacting with me.
He thought a previous class was just wrapping up. I reassured him that he was welcome and hope to see him again tonight!
I won’t be able to chew on the right side of my mouth for weeks but I can’t use that as an excuse anymore to eat ice cream and um, mini cupcakes. Girlfriend needs to get back on track food wise.
The farmer’s market on Saturday was stocked with the most beautiful heirloom tomatoes and I bought a small box of those as well as the last of the good cherries as we move into peach season.
I don’t take our abundance of fresh beautiful food for granted even as it does get more and more expensive each year.
It is going to feel like a long week as I tire easily so in spite of my ambitions to be active and get back to the gym and the track and on the bike. I need to keep it simple and not let the heat and the bad air get me down.
Last updated August 07, 2017
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