Moving on in Hello.

  • July 14, 2017, 3:37 p.m.
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Last Saturday me and 6 other lasses arranged to go to the city to watch a local band we all like, with their support. We are going to try and make it a regular thing as we all love live music and it’s good to get out and boogie. As 7 of us were going and I have a 7 seater, I said I would drive. That’s fine by me, it means I won’t be driving for quite a while! At the last minute, one of our party dropped out, so I asked if everyone was ok with Bel coming along. She really enjoyed it too! She said she often wondered what women talked about on a night out and was amused we mostly talked about pop stars we fancy and how Spanna met her boyfriend. She said it was like going out with a bunch of girls her own age!
The bands were very good. The main act, a band called Mylittlebrother, we’ve all seen a few times and the singer kept calling us his posse, haha! Bel loved them, she didn’t stop smiling or dancing at all, was lovely to see. She grabbed the bassist’s pick that he threw into the crowd. (He told me over messenger later that it’s a weird feeling having fans, he threw the pick as a funny cliché and didn’t expect anyone to pick it up, never mind scrabble about on the floor for it!) Afterwards she approached the guitarist as he was packing up and asked him to sign her ticket. He talked to her for ages and called the singer over to talk as well. She was proper starstruck, bless her!

Sunday morning I was due to take Rob to his digs for his new job. Because there was quite a bit to pack, I dropped all the seats in the car so only Robert and I could go. We were driving along a particularly narrow, twisty bit of road when a landrover came round the corner in the middle of the road, forcing us over to the side. I scraped a low wall, scratching the side of the car and blowing the tire. The landrover didn’t stop, stupid fucker. I knew I had to get the car off the road and drove a few yards along the road till I got to a steep farm track. I was in a state, so Rob rang my dad. Dad drove to meet us and I just burst into tears when I saw him and mam. I’d walked back to where I’d hit the wall and if I’d swerved another 10 feet along, I’d have gone down a 10 foot gully, into a little beck. Dad got the car off the farm track, it was a struggle with one wheel a lot lower than the rest. It threw up a lot of stones and the car was on three wheels. He finally got it onto the level and drove it very slowly to a pub garden about 400 yards down the road. He got me and Rob to change the wheel. He has shown me in the past, but I was in such a flap that I couldn’t remember! Thank goodness he was about, they were due to be going to a Christening they didn’t particularly want to attend! They came the rest of the way with me and helped me unpack the stuff into Rob’s house. He was ok, just mad with the landrover driver.
Needless to say, I’ve been a bit wary about driving along country roads ever since.

19 days vegan food now. I’ve reached peace with what it is I’m trying to achieve. It’s more to do with being in control of what I’m eating, rather than not eating animal products. Hopefully at some point in the future I’ll reach that epiphany, but it’s not now and I don’t have to feel shit about having the odd bit of milk in my tea. Don’t get me wrong, my animal product consumption is almost zero, but now I am less inclined to just pick up any crap to eat while I’m walking round Sainsbury’s. It’s been mostly grains, pulses, nuts and vegetables. I’ve lost 5 pounds and my stomach is finally starting to behave!

Last updated July 14, 2017

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