Uh Hum in Day to day life from a woman that turned 60 in Oct 2014 and who lives on a farm and Retired on January 2, 2016. I plan to do more sewing, work outside in the yard and just enjoy my retirement.

  • Sept. 2, 2017, 10:36 a.m.
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Yes I’m still alive and kicking. Not kicking as high as before but kicking. Still staying busy but not as energetic as I’d like to be most times. I do have good days and try to take advantage of those days. Had a couple good days this week and cleaned one side of my garage. REALLY cleaned it but then my cousin was here most of this week and that rearranged some of my plans. I was so ready for him to go back home the day before he actually left. He stays at Dad’s house to sleep but the last couple of days he was here he would get here at noon or 2 and sleep in the other recliner until supper, then go back to the recliner and sleep until I hinted it was my bedtime. Ugh! I love my cousin and he was such a help with Dad but if you’re just going to sleep stay at my dad’s house. BUT Dad’s house doesn’t have a recliner that reclines. Dang!

Found a home for the kittens and the Momma. They are relocated to another barn a couple of hours from here. I had to control my tears when they left in my son’s truck even though I know that 8 were way to many AND the organization that “said” they would help catch them, fix them and then try and find homes or bring them back never followed through. There loss as I was planning on major donations for their fund raiser. Not now!

Grand kids all back in school. It has been a beautiful week here this week. Temps in the 70s and hasn’t been above 80 this week so far. Awesome weather!!

Guess everyone has already heard about Bruce bringing OD back online. I have mixed feelings and emotions about that news. Not that I write often any more, but not confident at all in a new/old start. Our DM for PB was so pro active in getting PB going for the abandoned ODers if they choose to climb aboard, that I will not stop coming to PB.

Another thing that crosses my mind is the lessened possibility of anonymity. Not necessarily for what I’d write now, but in my old diary. I put my heart and soul in words and there are things I shared that I’d prefer stay anonymous. Course FB is the revealer if .......and it goes both ways....think about it.

Take care all and God Bless. Prayers for all those people in TX dealing with the flooding.

Last updated September 02, 2017

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