Accidental in Hello.

  • June 30, 2017, 8:11 a.m.
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I never intended for yesterday to be a vegan day, but it turned out that way!
Overnight oats, tofu stir fry, cheesy beans over potato waffles (so I CAN still eat crap!)
As today is my day off, I bought myself a bottle of wine to drink last night. Aware that wine isn’t vegan, I thought I’d treat myself and start eating vegan again when I felt like it. It turns out that the first bottle of £5 Sainsbury’s own Merlot that I picked up was only vegan too! Made me grin, hehe!
John is being very supportive and shouted at Rob when he laughed at my whimsy. I hope I can stick to it. Bel is interested in trying some vegan foods, which means I’ll have to do some research into what’s good for a 14 year old lass.
Today I have a headache. Bloody vegan wine! ;)
I need to source black salt, it seems. I might have to get John’s boss to try and source it for me, due to our distinct lack of Asian supermarkets in this county.

Last updated June 30, 2017

Bomb Shell June 30, 2017

Here you go, so you can still indulge :o)

Babe In Toyland Bomb Shell ⋅ June 30, 2017

Fanks. :)

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