Knife dream in Vulnerability

  • June 13, 2017, 1:08 a.m.
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Dreams are so weird.

I had a dream last night where I was pulling long sharp kitchen-knives out of my mouth/throat. Black handles, big thick blades, like a chef’s knife.
They each had a little hole at the end of the handle, with a looped string through them, which allowed me to insert a finger inside the string to remove the knife, rather than grabbing it by the handle. Which doesn’t make sense because there would have been way less control of the angle the knives came out of my mouth at.
There was no blood, pain or injury to the inside of my throat and none of the blades touched my lips on the way out. I wasn’t even conscious or careful of the blades touching/slicing my lips as they came out, one after the other.
The dream didn’t seem to last all that long, and I usually don’t have dreams that I remember, but this must have been the final one before I woke up and I remember thinking, “What the fuck was that about?”

Swanny June 13, 2017

What the?

Complicated Disaster June 13, 2017


~Octopussy~ June 17, 2017

Suck more dick. Black dick.

kmh. June 26, 2017

That's fucking scary haha!

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