Personal Shopper (#4) *** edit in Independent Film- 2017

Revised: 05/01/2017 8:49 a.m.

  • April 28, 2017, 11:08 a.m.
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The trailer calls this movie a “Hitchcockian Thriller” or some such. I heartily disagree. The trailer includes everything you need to see in this movie. Move on from here.

Still, i hear the director did a fantastic job with Kristen Stewart in The Clouds of Sils Maria. I want to see that.

Kristen is the reason i wanted to see this movie. I heard she was great. I.... found her to be annoying. Not my cup of tea, but i will give her another chance!


Ok. After some thought i realized i don’t dislike this movie- i just don’t prefer it. Some people really like it. Michael Phillips wrote a good review of it in the Chicago Tribune, so i will include that so people can make their own choice. I think some people will see what Michael sees (among many other people)

Last updated May 01, 2017

Deleted user April 28, 2017

Interesting . She is not my favorite actress either .

WhatDreamsMayCome May 01, 2017

The trailer sparked my interest but it sounds like one I'll wait for the DVD release on.

Deleted user May 01, 2017

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