art in --

  • Aug. 10, 2013, 6 p.m.
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We got a babysitter for a couple of hours this afternoon and went to the art museum. It was the final weekend of the Freida Kahlo/Diego Rivera/Mexican art exhibit, and I'm really glad that I got to see it. I was afraid that we would miss it.

We also looked at the contemporary art. I've been to this museum a couple of times but I had never seen the contemporary art section. it was great! I saw real life Lichtenstein, Warhol, Pollock, and De Kooning, as well as some cool African art. I was so giddy and had so much fun! I liked getting to hang out with J alone for awhile.

Only got about 3.5 hours of sleep last night. I stayed up until 4am because I am a dumdum. C went to bed at 10.45 since he didn't have a second nap... and he slept the whole night until 8.10 this morning! such an improvement. I think he was going through a sleep regression and it sorted itself out, hopefully. I stayed up writing in a book I just got (Finish this Book by Keri Smith), painting my nails, playing Animal Crossing, and watching a documentary. It was bliss. oh and J and I finally had sex. After like two weeks. yay.

So today I am paying the price for it but otherwise it has been a better day than expected. :)

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